On Sonntag 13 Dezember 2009, Marcus Wanner wrote:
> On 12/12/2009 2:42 PM, Dale wrote:
> > And some would also argue that cycling power on and off is actually
> > bad for the rig as well.  Keeping things at a constant temp is better
> > than fluctuating temps.  The old expanding and contracting of material
> > argument.  Sort of strange that computers that run a lot last a
> > loooong time.
> I think that is more of a psychological thing than a hardware
> thing...basically if a computer is already there and ready to be used,
> people don't think about getting a new one. Besides, what kind of
> failure would be caused by expanding and contracting anyway? In my
> experience, old computers don't really break, they just become obsolete...
> Marcus

computers break. The caps age tremendously. Especially heat makes them die 
soon. So if you want to use your computer over a long period of time you shut 
it off if you don't need it in the next couple of hours.

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