On 10 March 2010 13:56, Tanstaafl <tansta...@libertytrek.org> wrote:
> On 2010-03-10 8:47 AM, Neil Bothwick wrote:
>> On Wed, 10 Mar 2010 08:22:41 -0500, Tanstaafl wrote:
>>>> Today is when running a lilo menu with "production" and "experimental"
>>>> kernels saved me.  "production" is 2.6.30-r8.  "experimental" is
>>>> 2.6.31-r6 or 2.6.31-r10 (same problems with either one).  I set
>>>> /usr/src/linux to point at 2.6.31-r6 (or 10), copied .config from
>>>> 2.6.30-r8 and ran "make oldconfig".
>>> I *never* use make oldconfig between major kernel versions...
>> The .30, .31 is the minor kernel version. You shouldn't use oldconfig
>> when going from 2.4 to 2.6 but from 2.6.m to 2.6.n is safe.
> Again, not according to the official upgrade guide - it specifically
> uses 2.6.9-r1 to 2.6.9-r2 as an example of a 'minor' update, and going
> from 2.6.8 to 2.6.9 as having potentially 'too large of changes for make
> oldconfig to be considered safe'.
> If the guide is outdated, maybe it should be updated:
> http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/kernel-upgrade.xml#doc_chap10

Charles, I've been using make oldconfig since 2004.  It has never
failed me.  You soon realise if the new kernel has significant changes
from the old one (i.e. if modules have moved between sections, etc.)
In that case, when you complete your make oldconfig you can fire up
make menuconfig and revisit the new areas just to make double sure you
haven't missed anything important.

Now, doing that for the first time may be too confusing for someone
who is not familiar with the process of rolling up their own kernel,
therefore the handbook has to cater for the lowest common denominator
and advises to go about it in a long-winded way.

PS.  make oldconfig is essentially the result of a diff-ing exercise
between old/new kernels.  Using "?" helps explain new options before
you choose to select them.

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