On Wed, 10 Mar 2010 09:27:19 -0500, Tanstaafl wrote:

> > I see what you mean about the guide and consider it wrong, especially
> > for an advanced section. You are more likely to run into problems
> > when not reusing your old config that when using make oldconfig.  
> But... my understanding is that, by copying your old .config to the new
> kernel dir before running make menuconfig, you *are* reusing your old
> config... I sure hope I'm not reading *that* wrong. ;)

No you're not. But it is far easier to miss important changes without
oldconfig to point them out to you by shoving them in your face.
> > Even the comment about context isn't really true, as oldconfig shows
> > some context and the same help that menuconfig does.  
> Ok... well, this is how I've always done it, and I'm comfortable with
> it, so don't see a reason to change.

Each to their own.

> Maybe I'll try running make oldconfig one day just to see how it
> differs...

It's not black magic, it just shows you any new options that are not
present in your config, offers you choices along with a default and a
chance to read the help text for that option. If you're feeling paranoid,
diff the config it generates with the one you started with.

Neil Bothwick

BING But It's Not Google

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