Dear Ken,

I've already looked at this interesting paper [1], from Jim Hansen and
Mikiko Sato - but I'd not read before of his conjecture about rate of ice
mass loss doubling per decade, producing many metres of sea level rise this
century.  But the implication is that the situation can be saved simply by
reducing fossil fuel emissions!  Is that the prescription that you are
complaining about?  Wouldn't a well-considered prescription be welcome from
somebody as eminent as Prof Hansen?  Geoengineering for example!  I don't
see a way out of our predicament without it.  Do you, Ken?

Does Hansen accept that 90% sea ice could be gone as soon as at end summer
2016? (BTW, I've another reference to this date we've been arguing about

Hansen seems to dismiss methane as always producing less forcing than CO2:

"*This sensitivity has the merit that CO2 is the principal GHG forcing and
perhaps the only one with good prospects for quantification of its long-term
changes.*" (page 15)

However the paper is relevant to the methane issue in several ways.  One
argument, which I've heard from Jeff Ridley, is that there is no sign of a
methane excursion at previous interglacials* such as end-Eemian, when it was
hotter, so we don't need to worry about having an excursion now.  Hansen
shows that it was never hotter than it is now (in Holocene) by more than one

Elsewhere Hansen points out that the current rate of global warming is much
higher than it has been for millions of years.  Andrew Lockley suggests it's
higher than even it was at the PETM some 55.8 million years ago, when
temperatures rose about 6 C [3].  That rate of change is important, because
of methane's short lifetime.  The increasing speed of change implied by
Hansen's climate sensitivity is thus relevant to methane.

A further way that the paper is relevant to methane is because of climate
sensitivity to radiative forcing.  The paper suggests various alternative
values that could be taken - see [1] table 1.   If we get over 2 W/m-2 from
methane, then that certainly takes us over the danger line of 2 degrees
global warming, using his argument.



* During the past 800,000 years, methane never rose much above 700 ppb until
recently, see [1] figure 2

[1] Full paper

Abstract here:




On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 11:07 PM, Emily <> wrote:

> Hi,
> here is a recent paper from Jim Hansen,including some figures I've read
> before, which stunned me:
> "In the early Pliocene global temperature was no more than 1-2°C warmer
> than today, yet sea level was 15-25 meters (50-80 feet) higher."
> best wishes,
> Emily.
> *Paleoclimate Implications: Accepted Paper and 'Popular Science'*
> "Paleoclimate Implications for Human-Made Climate Change" has been
> reviewed, revised in response to the referee's suggestions, and accepted
> for publication in "Climate Change at the Eve of the Second Decade of
> the Century: Inferences from Paleoclimate and Regional Aspects:
> Proceedings of Milutin Milankovitch 130th Anniversary Symposium" (Eds.
> A. Berger, F. Mesinger and D Šijački), Springer.
> This final version has also been published in arXiv:1105.0968v3
> []
> <
> >
> A__'popular science' summary
> <
> >
> of the paper, intended for lay audience, is available.
> Thanks especially to reviewer Dana Royer for helpful comments,
> foundations and NASA program managers for research support, and a number
> of people for comments on an early draft of the paper, as delineated in
> the acknowledgements.
> Jim Hansen
> --
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