Ken; List and 2 ccs 

This is to concur in toto with your several messages below in this thread. 
However, I think this list serves a valuable function and should continue. But, 
if continued, I think it would be wise to split it into separate SRM and CDR 
components. I personally would want to be on both lists. 

I do not know what other CDR lists exist - but there must be twenty by now for 
Biochar- and even more Biochar websites. I don't think any of these would be 
interested in broadening to include the other CDR approaches. 


----- Original Message -----
From: "Ken Caldeira" <> 
Sent: Thursday, August 4, 2011 10:23:51 PM 
Subject: Re: [geo] My AGU abstract: We Don¹t Need a ³Geoengineering² Research 

I think we need to be vigorously investigating every option that can plausibly 
reduce risk from climate change. 

So, I very much think we need to be investigating many things that have been 
called "geoengineering". 

I do not think that it is helpful, however, to think of this as "a 
geoengineering program". There are a disparate set of activities that need to 
be done that do not need close coordination. 

It makes no sense to me to have a single program covering diverse strategies 
such as industrialized CO2 capture from air, whitening of clouds, biochar, 
stratospheric aerosols, biomass cofiring of power plants with carbon capture 
and storage, etc, etc. These things are just too different to want to place 
them in something called "a geoengineering research program". 

Not only is "geoengineering" a vague and ambiguous term, it has also become a 
pejorative term in many circles. For example, many people who like a particular 
option, such as reforestation, search for reasons not to call it 
"geoengineering" -- fearing that that label will make it harder to find 

I do not think the determination of whether something constitutes 
"geoengineering" should be relevant to whether research and development funds 
are allocated to that activity. 


Furthermore, I think that setting "geoengineering" research apart in its own 
overarching program is a tactical error. In a zero-sum world, people will see 
"a geoengineering research" program as a threat to their own budgets, and "a 
geoengineering research program" will become an easy target. 

I think it much more sensible to recognize that most of what has been called 
"geoengineering research" is in fact uncontroversial research that most 
sensible people should think we would want to undertake. And the people who 
would be doing this research are the same people who are now doing allied 
scientific and engineering research. 

Rather than trying to build a big new program that existing programs will see 
as a threat, we should be working to expand the scope and funding of existing 
programs so that, for example 

-- programs that now study transport of fate of particles in the stratosphere 
would be expanded and directed to consider higher concentrations and a broader 
range of types of particles 
-- programs that now study clouds in the lower atmosphere would be expanded and 
directed to consider effects of introduced cloud-condensation nucleii 
-- programs that now study the fate of organic carbon in soils would be 
expanded and directed to consider the fate of biochar 
-- programs that now study the capture of CO2 from power plant flue gases would 
be expanded and directed to consider CO2 extraction from much more dilute 
sources such as the atmosphere 
-- programs that now study the global and regional climate impacts of natural 
and inadvertently released aerosols would be expanded and directed to consider 
intentionally released aerosols 
-- etc, etc 

By saying "we don't need a geoengineering research program", I mean to say that 
research into options that are commonly labeled "geoengineering" should 
permeate all research programs that aim to understand or reduce risks from 
climate change. Rather than a separate program, research into these options 
should be closely integrated into the broader effort to understand and reduce 
climate risk. 


Greg's point about engineering development is a good one. We do need 
proof-of-principle engineering studies so that we can filter out the 
potentially feasible options from the non-starters. 

For some of these options, we can or should have plans for deployment. At the 
point that we decide that an option looks promising enough that we want to 
develop a deployable system, then targeted development programs will be 

Ken Caldeira 

Carnegie Institution Dept of Global Ecology 
260 Panama Street, Stanford, CA 94305 USA 
+1 650 704 7212 @kencaldeira 

On Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 8:33 PM, Gregory Benford < > wrote: 

When developing the A-bomb, the US realized that the plausible size of 
plutonium bombs (Fat Man) demanded bigger planes to deliver them. This and 
other needs drove development of the B-29s, which in fact delivered Fat Man. No 
other airplane could. 

When time counts, carving R away from D is generally a mistake. Especially when 
you don't know the real timescale when you'll need the technology. 

Gregory Benford 

On Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 8:17 PM, Mike MacCracken < > wrote: 

Hi Ken—If you had said we don’t need a global geoengineering research program, 
which is what I think you are talking about, your position would seem perhaps 
plausible, although I think we do need to figure out what the potential is. 

However, I think we do really need to be doing research on the potential for 
applying various of the techniques to limit particular regional impacts, as I 
suggested in my abstract for the IPCC meeting (copy attached for those who have 
not seen it). There are already serious impacts occurring that might be 
addressed (the Arctic, some shifts in storm tracks, etc.), and it seems to me 
we should be working rapidly to see if there are real possibilities for taking 

Mike MacCracken 

On 8/4/11 7:10 PM, "Ken Caldeira" < > wrote: 

I believe my intentionally provocative title will not endear me to some folks 
on this email list, so I present it here with some trepidation. 

My guess is those who think of SRM as a fitting subject for research will find 
my comments copacetic. Those who think we should be in the phase of developing 
deployment systems are likely to be irritated by my remarks. 

A key sentence is: There appears to be little need for new overarching research 
structures or institutions at this time for activities for which there are no 
plans for deployment. 

Also below is another abstract on climate sensitivity with some relevance to 
this group. 


CONTROL ID: 1207083 
TITLE: We Don’t Need a “Geoengineering” Research Program 
PRESENTATION TYPE: Assigned by Committee (Oral or Poster) 
CURRENT SESSION: U20. Geoengineering Research Policy 
INSTITUTIONS (ALL): 1. Dept. of Global Ecology, Carnegie Institution, Stanford, 
CA, United States. 
ABSTRACT BODY: Most approaches commonly labeled as ‘geoengineering’ can be 
divided into two categories: approaches that attempt to reduce the change in 
atmospheric composition caused by anthropogenic emissions (commonly labeled 
CDR, for Carbon Dioxide Removal), and approaches that attempt to reduce the 
change in climate caused by changes in atmospheric composition (commonly 
labeled SRM, for Sunlight Reflection Methods or Solar Radiation Management). 

CDR is relatively uncontroversial (apart from ocean fertilization), and the 
primary issues are typically cost, effectiveness, local environmental 
consequences, and verification. In contrast, SRM has provoked much controversy, 
because large-scale SRM deployments necessarily would affect everyone on this 

Several proposals have been tabled for SRM-specific or geoengineering-specific 
research and governance structures, treating SRM or geoengineering research as 
a thing apart. We should instead view CDR and SRM research as part of a broader 
continuum of activities aimed at understanding Earth system dynamics and 
reducing risks associated with climate change. The scope of existing research 
efforts should be broadened so that CDR and SRM approaches are, at this stage 
in development, treated as an extension of what we are already doing. 

What is ‘geoengineering research’? A primary need at this time is for expansion 
of scope of and funding for existing climate-related research efforts. For 
examples: Scientists studying the role of aerosols in clouds or stratospheric 
processes can expand the domain of concern to consider effects of intentionally 
introduced aerosols (and not just natural aerosols and aerosols we introduce as 
a byproduct of civilization’s normal functioning). Scientists studying effects 
of land-surface change on global and regional climates can expand the domain of 
concern beyond inadvertent effects to consider effects of land-surface changes 
undertaken with the intent to affect these climates. Research programs aimed at 
removing carbon dioxide from power plant flue gases can be broadened to 
consider industrial approaches to remove carbon dioxide that has already been 
released to the atmosphere. There appears to be little need for new overarching 
research structures or institutions at this time for activities for which there 
are no plans for deployment. 

Defining the scope of reference of ‘geoengineering’ and related terms (eg, 
‘geoengineering experiment’) is a linguistic distraction and a waste of time. 
We should focus instead on substantive issues of primary concern. If our goal 
is to reduce risk from scientific experiments, then let’s develop approaches 
aimed at governing risky experiments. Governance efforts can be aimed at 
eliminating unjustified risk independently of whether some people might want to 
apply labels like ‘geoengineering’ to those activities. 

We do not need ‘a geoengineering research program’. We need to expand existing 
research programs to consider a broader range of activities and conditions. We 
do not need efforts to govern ‘geoengineering experiments’ although we may need 
efforts to govern scientific experiments that pose unjustified risks. Let’s 
focus on gaining knowledge and managing risks, and not let our brains be addled 
by emotionally-charged language. 


CONTROL ID: 1209062 
TITLE: Radiative Forcing and Climate Response: From Paleoclimate to Future 
PRESENTATION TYPE: Assigned by Committee (Oral or Poster) [Invited] 
CURRENT SECTION/FOCUS GROUP: Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology (PP) 
CURRENT SESSION: PP10. Earth System Sensitivity To Radiative Forcings: Lessons 
From Earth History 
AUTHORS (FIRST NAME, LAST NAME): Ken Caldeira1, Long Cao1 
INSTITUTIONS (ALL): 1. Dept. of Global Ecology, Carnegie Institution, Stanford, 
CA, United States. 
Title of Team: 
ABSTRACT BODY: The concept of radiative forcing was introduced to allow 
comparison of climate effects of different greenhouse gases. In the classic 
view, radiative forcing is applied to the climate system and the climate 
responds to this forcing, approaching some equilibrium temperature change that 
is the product of the radiative forcing times the ‘climate sensitivity’ to 
radiative forcing. 

However, this classic view is oversimplified in several respects. Climate 
forcing and response often cannot be clearly separated. When carbon dioxide is 
added to the atmosphere, within days, the increased absorption of longwave 
radiation begins to warm the interior of the troposphere, affecting various 
tropospheric properties. Especially in the case of aerosols, it has been found 
that considering rapid tropospheric adjustment gives a better predictor of 
“equilibrium” climate change than does the classic definition of radiative 

Biogeochemistry also provides additional feedbacks on the climate system. It is 
generally thought that biogeochemistry helps diminish climate sensitivity to a 
carbon dioxide emission, since carbon dioxide tends to stimulate carbon dioxide 
uptake by land plants and the ocean. However, there is potential to destabilize 
carbon locked up in permafrost and at least some possibility to destabilize 
methane in continental shelf sediments. Furthermore, wetlands may provide a 
significant methane feedback. These and other possible biogeochemical feedbacks 
have the potential to greatly increase the sensitivity of the climate system to 
carbon dioxide emissions. 

As time scales extend out to millennia, the large ice sheets can begin to play 
an important role. In addition to affecting atmospheric flows by their sheer 
bulk, ice sheets tend to reflect a lot of energy to space. If carbon dioxide 
remains in the atmosphere long enough, there is potential to melt back the 
large ice sheets, which would add additional warming to the climate system. It 
is likely that these millennial time-scale feedbacks could double climate 
sensitivity over that estimated by century-scale models. The inclusion of these 
feedbacks may be one reason why paleoclimate studies seem to indicate a much 
higher climate sensitivity than do the current generation of climate models 
that focus on the physics of century-scale climate change. 

What is the relevance of “equilibrium” climate change on a dynamic planet? Each 
gas or aerosol has a different time evolution in the atmosphere, so the time 
evolution of the climate response to a methane release, an aerosol release, and 
a carbon dioxide release would be very different, even if they had the same 
initial radiative forcing (or radiative forcing integrated to some time 
horizon, as is done in Global Warming Potential calculations). Furthermore, the 
climate response to emissions of these radiatively active substances will 
depend, to some extent, on the state of the climate system into which these 
substances are introduced. Changes in continental positions and altitudes can 
affect snow and glacier feedbacks. Changes in ocean heat transport can affect 
cloud properties and the distribution of sea-ice. 

For many applications, it may be more fruitful to focus on the time-evolution 
of the climate response to emissions and abandon the concept of climate 
sensitivity to radiative forcing. 
Ken Caldeira 

Carnegie Institution Dept of Global Ecology 
260 Panama Street, Stanford, CA 94305 USA 
+1 650 704 7212 @kencaldeira 

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