Paul Watson wrote a "commentary" on Russ George entitled "*The Return of a 
Dangerous Ecological 
published by his Sea Shepherd Society online October 29 2012.  This Watson 
"commentary" seems to be all the Toronto Globe and Mail had as a source for 
Paul Watson's views on Russ George and *geoengineering* as described in 
their Nov 7 2012 article (I cited previously).   Watson, in his article, 
states his Sea Shepherd Society "did not make any judgement on the 
scientific merits, if any, of this scheme [Russ George's 2007 plan to use 
PLANKTOS to dump iron into waters west of the Galapagos Islands]".  Watson, 
apparently, was anxious that "Ecuadorian, American and International law" *be 
upheld*.  * (This is what his article states*).  The Globe and Mail 
reporter couldn't talk to Watson directly because "Mr Watson hasn't been 
seen in public since July when *he skipped bail in Germany*..."

As for ETC, their *Geopiracy: The Case against 
*webpage is still up.  ETC concludes, obviously, that "A moratorium on 
real-world geoengineering experimentation is urgent", apparently because we 
don't know what will happen if the *slightest thing* is done that ETC 
classifies as geoengineering.  From their first paragraph, ETC takes 
geoengineering to be a* technological* strategy "that could reduce or delay 
climate change, at least until social forces make a practical agreement [to 
"mitigate climate chaos" by reducing GHG emissions]"  

Naturally,* no one wants that*.  *Reasonable people, obviously, would want 
to increase or accelerate climate change, before social forces develop and 
make a practical agreement that might mitigate it....    ? 
>From Alice in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll:  *"**I don't think they play at 
all fairly,' Alice began, in rather a complaining tone, 'and they all 
quarrel so dreadfully one can't hear oneself speak — and they don't seem to 
have any rules in particular; at least, if there are, nobody attends to them

On Friday, April 26, 2013 7:19:50 PM UTC-7, Ken Caldeira wrote:
> Does it matter to ETC or Paul Watson whether the intent is to increase 
> fishery yields versus reduce the magnitude of climate change?
> Would the action be 'geoengineering' in the latter case but not the 
> former?
> On Friday, April 26, 2013, David Lewis wrote:
>>  Paul Watson is known for going as far as attempting to sink ships in 
>> international waters that he feels are in violation of his conservation 
>> principles.  

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