Clive Hamilton is professor of public ethics at Australia’s Charles Sturt
University and a prominent critic of geoengineering. Here he discusses his
latest book Earthmasters: The Dawn of the Age of Climate Engineering.

Olivia Boyd: You describe geoengineering as a “profound dilemma” in your
book. Why?

Clive Hamilton: The dilemma is that as long as the world responds in a
feeble way to the warnings of the scientists, we’re likely to end up in a
situation where we will be casting around for desperate solutions and I
think that’s when the world will turn seriously to geoengineering
interventions to get us out of the impossible fix.People who are deeply
concerned about the climate crisis, and naturally sceptical about major
technological interventions, are nonetheless saying this is something we’re
going to have to pursue. I’m thinking in particular of [atmospheric
chemist] Paul Crutzen who has been vital in this whole debate – someone who
with a very heavy heart has concluded that the world has been so derelict
in responding to the scientific warnings that we’re going to have to pursue
this deeply unpalatable alternative, this Plan B.

OB: What’s the problem with Plan B?

CH: There’s a whole string of problems with Plan B. One of the foremost is
of course that it’s likely to cause political leaders to weaken even
further their commitment to Plan A. And it was for that reason that pretty
much all climate scientists would not talk publicly about geoengineering
until Paul Crutzen broke the taboo in 2006. It was felt to be dangerous to
talk about geoengineering because of the disincentive it might have on
global negotiations to cut greenhouse-gas emissions.In a way, the problem
that makes me most anxious is the tendency among some of the more
influential geoengineering scientists to have an unwarranted faith in
technological interventions in the biggest ecosystem of them all, and the
extremely high likelihood of serious miscalculation, of something going
very badly wrong.I think in a way the greatest risk is human hubris, our
penchant for persuading ourselves that we know the answers and we have all
the necessary information, we can intervene and take control of the earth.

OB: What sort of miscalculations are you talking about?

CH: One nightmare scenario could be where the world or a major power
decides to engage in sulphate aerosol spraying – in other words to install
a solar shield between the earth and the sun to turn down the sunlight
reaching the earth – and to discover that it causes a massive hole in the
ozone layer which has all sorts of catastrophic effects on human and other
forms of life.Another nightmare scenario might be one where an attempt by
one major power to engineer the globe’s climate system attracts a hostile
response from another major power, who doesn’t take kindly to competing for
control over their weather and it escalates into a military confrontation.

OB: You’ve suggested China might be one of the most likely candidates to go
it alone with something like aerosol spraying. Why China?

CH: We already see in China a great deal of social unrest due to natural
disasters and pressures in particular provinces of making life work in an
increasingly difficult physical environment. So it doesn’t take much to
imagine a situation where some of the serious warnings of the world’s
climate scientists come to pass and China, for example, faces a massive
drought in the north of the country, caused or exacerbated by human-induced
climate change.So you have crop failures, severe water shortages, mass
migration to cities already straining under pressure, and you have to ask
yourself how the government in China would respond to that, bearing in mind
too that most of the senior leaders in China have engineering backgrounds
and, for many of them, geoengineering the climate will have a natural
appeal.Now is the time for civil society in China to get actively involved
in the debate over geoengineering because the government has not adopted a
strong position one way or another. So there’s a substantial degree of
openness which allows many voices to be heard. Once the Chinese government
takes its own stance on geoengineering it will be more difficult for civil
society to have an influence.I would hope that the nascent environmental
movement in China would take an interest in geoengineering because I think
it’s going to be a dominant political question in China in several years

OB: If China did take a leading role in geoengineering, how might this
affect its relationship with the rest of the world?

CH: I’m sure if China did go down the geoengineering path it would try to
present its actions as motivated by the need to protect the interests of
vulnerable people across the developing world. The critical question is how
divergent would be the effects of any major geoengineering scheme on
different regions of the world. And if sulphate aerosol spraying for
example did destabilise the Indian monsoon, then I think it could lead to
serious conflict between China and India.On the other hand, China might be
able to secure the backing of the small island states. They aren’t
advocating geoengineering now, but if we see a strong surge in warming –
which we may well do at some point in the next 10 years or so – the level
of desperation in small island states may reach a point where they say some
kind of radical intervention is necessary to ensure our survival and they
might welcome China intervening.One of the nightmare scenarios would be if
China launched a geoengineering scheme and the US, for example, decided to
retaliate to counter the effects of China’s actions. That would be
disastrous. You can imagine the extraordinary risks we would be taking when
we turn the global climate system into a theatre of war, but that’s one of
the scenarios being mooted by strategic experts.

OB: You talk about the connections between the military and geoengineering
– what are the implications?

CH: It’s the military organisations of major powers that have the equipment
and the wherewithal to engage in a programme of, for example, sulphate
aerosol spraying. So I think with that kind of geoengineering it’s almost
inevitable that the military will be involved to some level.Or, if a single
nation decides to lime the oceans [adding lime to seawater is said to be
able to boost its capacity to absorb carbon dioxide], bearing in mind they
would be setting out to transform the chemical composition of all of the
oceans, then you’ve got ships from one nation sailing the seas, spreading
the lime. You have a major marine operation going on and you would expect
the navy to have a watching brief over that. This is all speculative, but
these are possibilities.

OB: You cite scientist Ken Caldeira as asking: “Is it better to let the
Greenland ice sheet collapse or to spray some sulphur particles in the
stratosphere?” How do you answer that?

CH: By posing that question, by projecting us forward 30 years and saying
there are only two choices, he leaps over all sorts of intermediate
questions that have to be tackled.It’s impossible to answer that question
now except in a way that actually provides a justification for
geoengineering. So when he asks that, you’ve got to say that sulphate
aerosol spraying might be preferable. But is he saying we do it no matter
what? Do we do it if we’ve got evidence showing there’s a huge risk
involved? Do we allow ExxonMobil to have the patent on that aerosol
spraying so that they’re the only ones who can do it? Is it done by Iran
unilaterally? Or by a UN group of countries?Until you can answer those
questions, I think it’s irresponsible to say, well, we’ve got this
situation, we’re just going to have to live with it.

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