Whoops. In my penultimate sentence I left out an important "not."  
The sentence should read--
> The fact that we are a part of nature does NOT mean we can argue that we 
> should be comfortable with any actions we take because they are "natural." 
Sent from my iPad

> On Oct 27, 2013, at 5:01 PM, "Hawkins, Dave" <dhawk...@nrdc.org> wrote:
> Without making an argument that we should never pursue any form of 
> geoengineering, let me note an obvious response to Oliver's arguments quoted 
> below.
> The fact that we are already manipulating "nature" in many ways does not 
> support an argument that we should therefore manipulate it in all ways that 
> human imagination can conceive.  Our job is to exercise good judgement in 
> deciding where to go and where to stop.  So purely as an intellectual matter, 
> the option of not doing some forms of geoengineering cannot be rejected.  It 
> is not a valid argument to respond to criticisms of specific forms of 
> geoengineering by saying we already manipulate nature a lot.
> (I put "nature" in quotes to start because humans are of course part of 
> nature. We don't act on nature; we act in nature.  But our capacity to change 
> the functioning of many ecosystems previously largely uninfluenced by humans, 
> is enormous.  The fact that we are a part of nature does mean we can argue 
> that we should be comfortable with any actions we take because they are 
> "natural."  That stance conveniently would discard any responsibility we have 
> for considering the impacts of our actions.)
> Sent from my iPad
> On Oct 27, 2013, at 3:34 PM, "Ronal W. Larson" 
> <rongretlar...@comcast.net<mailto:rongretlar...@comcast.net>> wrote:
> List   cc Andrew
>    This interview is of course not good news;  Dr.  Shiva has a pretty strong 
> following in environmental circles.
>    I add a few comments here for three reasons
>         First because she has said all of the same things about biochar (not 
> mentioned in the transcript below) on several occasions.  She wrote a very 
> confused forward (as though she hadn't read it) to a major biochar book by 
> Albert Bates (at his invitation) - should anyone want to see more on her 
> CDR/biochar views.  Albert, a leader in both fields, says that mostly the 
> Permaculture movement is behind biochar, not listening to her.  Her views on 
> biochar are the same as given below.
>        Second,  because I have today read the following in Oliver Morton’s 
> excellent book (“Eating the Sun”) on photosynthesis.  He comments on views 
> like hers in the last chapter where he reports (pages 389ff) on the views of 
> (former “Geo" list member) Peter Read.
>      a.  Oliver wrote p 392:   “What’s more, we are rearranging the world……. 
> in a decentralized, slapdash way.  The idea we might do it better should not 
> be rejected for an unworkable if understandable desire that we not do it at 
> all.”
>       b.  A paragraph later:  “We can’t let a romantic idea that nature 
> should be free to carry on regardless dominate our thinking; nature is 
> everywhere under our influence already.
>     c.  One more paragraph later.   We are on the flight deck, and we are 
> alone.   We are at the controls and we have no option but to use them.  And 
> we know where we want to go.  The fact that we have only a dim idea of how to 
> fly means we must act carefully and thoughtfully, not that we must not act.
>        All of Oliver’s book was written before the name “biochar” was 
> selected (in 2007 at a biochar conference -  because of Peter).   Dr.  
> Shiva’s views were probably the same then and I feel are refuted nicely above 
> in these three excerpts.  These apply as well to George Monbiot, whose 
> similar views are on p 389.  They were also given recently even more strongly 
> in an e-mail response to Albert Bates, saying:
> On Oct 25, 2013, at 6:05 PM, Andrew Lockley 
> <andrew.lock...@gmail.com<mailto:andrew.lock...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> http://www.nogeoingegneria.com/interviste/terra-futura-2013-interview-with-vandana-shiva-about-geoengineering/
> NoGeoingegneria: So, first, thank you very much for your time because you’re 
> an incredible woman and you always have so much time for everybody. and it’s 
> great. We wanted to speak a little bit about geoengineering with you. It’s 
> something that embraces everything: food and water and what is happening now 
> in the world in a situation of climate change, and great change, and risk of 
> collapse at every level. I saw the interview you had with Amy Goodman. So, 
> first, what is, for you, at this moment, the role of geoengineering?
> 00:55 Vandana: the role of geo-engineering should, in a world of 
> responsibility, in a world of scientifically enlightened decision making and 
> ecological understanding, it should be zero. There is no role for 
> geo-engeneering. Because what is geoengineering but extending the engineering 
> paradigm? There have been engineered parts of the earth, and aspects of 
> ecosystems and organisms through genetical engineering: the massive dam 
> building, the re-routing of rivers. These were all elements of geoengineering 
> at the level of particular places and we have recognized two things: one, 
> that when you don’t take into account the way ecological systems work, then 
> you do damage. Everyone knows that in effect climate change is a result of 
> that engineering paradigm. We could replace people with fossil fuels, have 
> higher and higher levels of industrialization, of agriculture, of production, 
> without thinking of the green-house gases we were admitting, and climate 
> change is really the pollution of the engineering paradigm, when fossil fuels 
> drove industrialism. To now offer that same mindset as a solution is to not 
> take seriously what Einstein said: that you can’t solve the problems by using 
> the same mindset that caused them. So, the idea of engineering is an idea of 
> mastery. And today the role that we are being asked to play is a role based 
> on informed humanity.
> 2:45 NoGeoingegneria
> In my eyes geoengineering started in the 50s with atomic tests, because in 
> this period they started to make geoengineering of the atmosphere of earth in 
> a global sense, in a bigger sense, and a lot of projects in the 50s started 
> to organize the earth, the planet, in a new way, with a new idea of 
> engineering really the whole planet. With the power of atomic bomb scientists 
> made a shifting in their mind, in my eyes. So in this period, in the 50′s 
> weather modification also started very energically. It is part of geo 
> engineering, and you have here the map of the ETC group, in the whole world, 
> they are doing it, and you cannot do local modifications without changing the 
> whole system. I know in India, in Thailand, and Australia weather 
> modification maybe is more discussed, more open than in Europe. For example 
> in Italy they made weather modification in the 80′s and people don’t know it. 
> What do you think about the role of weather modification in a sense of 
> geoengineering for food, for water, for the whole system?
> 4:21 Vandana
> Weather modification is a very small part of geo engineering. Geoengineering 
> right now is the hubris of saying: “all this climate change, and we’re living 
> in the anthropocene age and now human beings will be the shapers of our 
> future, that totally control the overall functions of not just our planet, 
> but our relationship with other planets, so many of the solutions offered 
> have been putting reflectors in the sky to send the sun back as if the sun 
> was a problem rather than the very basis of life, or to put pollutants into 
> the atmosphere in order to create a layer of pollution that would stop the 
> sun from shining. But the instability of the climate that is the result of 
> the greenhouse effect will just be aggravated by these interventions. Now 
> weather modifications done in a narrow-minded way, to say “we are not getting 
> rain so let us precipitate rain artificially so that agriculture doesn’t 
> fail” is something that for example the Chinese did for the olympics. They 
> made sure there would be no rain during the Olympics. It is a lower level of 
> hubris than the larger project of geoengineering.
> 5:47 you know this map…..?
> 5:49 Vandanayes of course i know Etcetera.
> 5:52 N: and you see that the ETC Group also published only a part, it’s only 
> a part because everyday something else is coming out, in the whole world they 
> are doing it, so if you make in a lot of points.
> 6:07 V: it’s not too much the points
> 6:08 N: what does it mean for weather extremes for example?
> 6:11 V: the first thing is it creates more instability, and we are dealing 
> with instability, therefore we must deal more with actions that create 
> insurance against instability, rather than aggravating the instability. It’s 
> like I’m driving a car and I know there’s a precipice there, I should put the 
> car in reverse and then turn into another direction. What geo engineering is 
> doing is saying “let’s put our foot on the accelerator”. And the precipice is 
> climate instability, climate unpredictability. And at the root of it is the 
> false idea that these silly little actions will be able to control and 
> regulate the weather and climate. But the second most important part of why 
> geo engineering is so so wrong is that is ultimate expression of patriarchal 
> irresponsibility. Patriarchy is based on appropriating rights and leaving 
> responsibility to others. In this case the scientists who are playing these 
> games, the who are investors financing it, are all doing it without having 
> any consent for these experiments, any approval for these experiments, 
> locally or globally, and worse, without thinking of the consequences or what 
> it can lead to, and without ever ever being bound to responsibility. 
> Therefore it is the ultimate expression of all the destructive tendencies of 
> patriarchy.
> 7:50 N: Yeah, and you see you can take one name Edward Teller. He comes from 
> the atomic bomb. He had the idea of controlling the weather by atomic bomb. 
> He proposed the shield for sun radiation management, so the same persons, the 
> same power structure is organizing this type of management of the planet and 
> of space. So, you know about the intention of control ….?
> 8:22 V: Well for some people the intention is really one of making others 
> suffer. And therefore aspects of geo- engineering are about links with 
> military warfare. How do you alter the climate so that you can just make rain 
> fall or fail in a particular area and let agriculture suffer. But in other 
> cases, even if there isn’t that military intention of harm to the other there 
> is an ignorance…..
> 8:56 N: There is also economic interest ……
> 8:58 V: Not all, the reason that there is such a battalion of scientists 
> behind it…..
> 9:00 N: You know oil and not soil, the food and water …….
> 9:05 V: The people are pushing it have a money interest. The people who are 
> pushing it have a military interest. , people are pushing to have a military 
> interest. The players merely have the arrogance that ” I have the solution”. 
> And it’s the combination of stupidity combined with the arrogance of the 
> little players, and the evil projects of the ones who control it, that 
> combination is what makes it toxic. Because if the scientific community could 
> only recognize its responsibility to society and the planet and say “I will 
> not be part of your games”, which is how Scientists for Social Responsibility 
> was created, which is how the group that started to monitor the whole nuclear 
> issue, those were all scientists. This is a marriage of stupid scientists 
> with evil minds, and we need scientists with responsibility to be the 
> counterforce to say this is not science, just as we need in genetic 
> engineering. And it is as the community of scientists who really know the 
> science start to speak more and organize better, that the stupid scientists 
> of the biotech industry will quieten down. And biotech and geo engineering 
> have the same mindset, of engineering, of power, of control, of mastery of 
> nature
> 10:30 N: you spoke also of the dams. It’s big geoengineering also in India 
> and in the whole world and there are now the big interests of water and here, 
> the last time we had an interview with Pat Mooney he said that big dams, 
> energy production, water control, and weather control, it’s one thing. So 
> it’s not only a small intervention to have crops. It’s something more.
> 11:06 V: No as I said it’s the ultimate hubris, that’s what it is! Hubris on 
> a planetary scale!
> 11:19 N: Uh….. what do you think about the fact they will spray nano 
> particles? That’s the program!
> 11:29 V: Each of these issues has a particular aspect thats different but i 
> think those particular aspects are very small compared to the overall damage 
> and the overall irresponsibility. For me the first issue is, how dare you do 
> this. How dare you. That has to be humanity’s response. Then the rest of the 
> little thing of how nano particles can harm or have too much sulphur in the 
> atmosphere can harm, those are specific details but this is a civilizational 
> issue. And in civilizational issues you don’t look at the tiny details as the 
> debate. You have to look at the big picture!
> Transcript by lukinski&trishy
> Vandana Shiva –
> Biography:Vandana Shiva, a world-renowned environmental thinker, activist, 
> physicist, feminist, philosopher of science, writer and science policy 
> advocate, is the Director of The Research Foundation for Science, Technology 
> and Natural Resource Policy. She serves as an ecology advisor to several 
> organizations including the Third World Network and the Asia Pacific People’s 
> Environment Network. In 1993 she was the recipient of the Right Livelihood 
> Award, commonly known as the “Alternative Nobel Prize”. A contributing editor 
> to People-Centered Development Forum, she has also written several works 
> include, “Staying Alive,” “The Violence of the Green Revolution,” “Biopiracy: 
> The Plunder of Nature and Knowledge,” “Monoculutures of the Mind” and “Water 
> Wars: Privatization, Pollution, and Profit,” as well as over 300 papers in 
> leading scientific and technical journals. Shiva participated in the 
> nonviolent Chipko movement during the 1970s, whose main participants were 
> women. She is one of the leaders of the International Forum on Globalization, 
> and a figure of the global solidarity movement known as the 
> anti-globalization movement. She has argued for the wisdom of many 
> traditional practices, as is evident from her book “Vedic Ecology” that draws 
> upon India’s Vedic heritage. Shiva has fought for changes in the practice and 
> paradigms of agriculture and food. Intellectual property rights, 
> biodiversity, biotechnology, bioethics, genetic engineering are among the 
> fields where Shiva has contributed intellectually and through activist 
> campaigns. She has assisted grassroots organizations of the Green movement in 
> Africa, Asia, Latin America, Ireland, Switzerland and Austria with campaigns 
> against genetic engineering. In 1982, she founded the Research Foundation for 
> Science, Technology and Ecology. Her book, “Staying Alive” helped redefine 
> perceptions of third world women. Shiva has also served as an adviser to 
> governments in India and abroad as well as non governmental organisations, 
> including the International Forum on Globalisation, the Women’s Environment & 
> Development Organization and the Third World Network
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