Climate Engineering and the Contraption Fallacy – Guest Post – Olaf Corry,
Open University | WGC

May 6, 2014

Introduction in lieu of abstract

Considering climate engineering as a range of technical apparatuses makes
it look too easy. Viewing them as megaprojects would be more
hard-headed.Aerosols in the stratosphere, artificial trees or spraying sea
water to whiten clouds – many consider climate engineering essentially to
be a range of technologies designed to either extract carbon dioxide from
the atmosphere or reflect more sunlight back out into space to counter
global warming.Inventors and scientists – but also policy-makers – tend to
focus primarily on the physical apparatus and technical systems: how would
climate engineering options work and perhaps how much would they cost?While
this is a natural place to start it also misses a huge part of the
question. What is being considered is not just a set of contraptions but a
huge social arrangement and a new global infrastructure – a so-called

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