Dear Peter,

Thank you very much for that very positive contribution.  Most of the
"technologies" we are talking about have been well tested and proven to
work.  And the questions I asked are already being answered!

We all know that for maintaining the sea ice, interventions will be
required on a very large scale.  The problem with many technologies is
their ability to scale - but, given resources and something like a war
effort, it is possible to imagine ice thickening done the necessary scale
to produce a significant reduction in the risk of the Arctic Ocean suddenly
getting locked into a low-ice state.


On Sat, Jan 3, 2015 at 4:57 PM, Peter Flynn <> wrote:

> A few thoughts:
> 1. This is not novel technology. Ice bridges, roads and islands have been
> built with both salt and freshwater. Thickened sea ice from ocean water has
> been used to make roads and both floating drilling platforms and platforms
> thick enough to anchor on the seabed in the shallow Beaufort Sea. For a
> sample reference, one of many, see
> 2. Rapid formation of ice is enhanced by spraying a fine mist into the air
> (many who ski will have seen this done at ski hills). This is energy
> intensive, but could be used to accelerate the creation of sea ice in open
> water in the winter.
> 3. Simple low lift pumping of water onto the surface is the technique used
> in making ice bridges and road in the north. Very thick structures are made
> in weeks.
> 4. Andrew has expressed a concern about the formation of brine “lakes” on
> the top of ice if the concentrated brine does not find its way through the
> ice. (Brine is rejected into the ocean as natural sea ice forms at the
> bottom of an ice sheet, and sea ice tends to have many micro-channels.) Two
> thoughts. Any attempt to enhance the formation of sea ice would start with
> a small scale demonstration, and the brine question could be easily
> resolved. Second, what if brine does form on the surface? If the ice is
> going to melt anyway, one is left with sea water either way.
> 5. I think that adding anything to ice (like sawdust or straw) vastly
> complicates. First, it raises ecological questions, and second, as Andrew
> points out, the logistics are terrible. In this case I personally lean to
> “keep it simple”: just pump the water to surface to enhance heat transfer
> to the air during the cold winter.
> 6. Many years ago a graduate student and I did a conceptual evaluation of
> enhancing sea ice for a different purpose, to sustain the North Atlantic
> Deep Water (NADW) current that is the offset of the gulf stream. We
> envisioned that both spray and low lift pumping would be used on a massive
> scale to create one Sverdrup (10^6 m^3 per second) of downward current. The
> spray would hasten the formation of new sea ice, which would then be
> thickened by low lift pumping. The melting of this ice in the spring would
> enhance NADW, since a downflowing current in the North Atlantic requires
> both salinity and temperature. Hence we presumed that the surface ice
> created retained the brine/salt, but we noted that this was a key research
> question. Our work is in Zhou and Flynn, Climatic Change (2005) 71 203-220.
> I would be happy to forward a copy to anyone interested.
> 7. Either way, as Andrew notes, experimentation on a small demonstration
> scale would be helpful in resolving questions. I think it is important to
> note that such a demonstration would be using well proven past technologies
> that have been used in both salt and fresh water in order to answer
> questions specific to a sea ice enhancement project.
> Peter Flynn
> Peter Flynn, P. Eng., Ph. D.
> Emeritus Professor and Poole Chair in Management for Engineers
> Department of Mechanical Engineering
> University of Alberta
> cell: 928 451 4455
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Andrew Lockley
> *Sent:* January-03-15 3:42 AM
> *To:* John Nissen; geoengineering
> *Subject:* Re: [geo] Watch "Integrated Assessment of Geoengineering
> Proposals…" on YouTube
> It's not so simple....
> 1 the Arctic is basically a small continent, so scales are enormous
> 2 adding straw, etc is a great idea, but logistics are horrific
> 3 brine rejection is a big issue. It needs to either drain through the ice
> (needing drilling or pumping) or it will pond on the surface or as
> inclusions (probably both) the resulting ice is unnatural and unstable, as
> it's darker and more prone to fracture.
> 4 it may be far easier to use icebreakers, which expose a lot of clear,
> dark water. They also don't have a brine rejection issue.
> 5 thickening key areas of ice may be far more effective than general
> thickening, as most ice loss is ultimately wind driven. You need only stop
> the wind clearance, and you stop the loss (to a point)
> Experiments are needed before advocacy.
> A
> On 3 Jan 2015 10:35, "John Nissen" <> wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> Thanks for this important contribution to the discussion on cooling the
> Arctic.  We need to throw as many practical techniques as we can at this
> problem, since saving the sea ice is so vital.  And speed is vital - so we
> should start pumping this winter!
> But there are some questions about the method.  Does one need to use fresh
> water, or will sea water suffice?  Should one spray the water to produce
> snow for wider cover, or can one simply pour the water onto the ice?   Is
> there a pattern one should produce, e.g. ridges to form a hexagonal
> lattice?  Could one mix the water with straw, sawdust or other organic
> material to produce stronger ice (called "pykrete") and make the structure
> even stronger and more resistant to melting and break-up in the spring.
> Where should one most concentrate ones efforts - should it be at the
> anticipated edge of the ice where break-up would be most telling in summer?
> May I invite others to join in this debate?  We need rapid resolution of
> these and other questions if we are to make a convincing proposal for
> action in the face of rapidly disappearing sea ice.  Time is running out.
> Cheers, John
> On Sat, Jan 3, 2015 at 12:48 AM, Peter Flynn <>
> wrote:
> Cooling the Arctic will drop the temperature and get to the fundamental
> cause of shrinking ice: rising temperature.
> In the meantime, the formation of ice can be vastly accelerated by a
> simple and well demonstrated technology: pump water on top of ice during
> the winter. The fundamental concept is that there is plenty of “cold” in
> the winter, one simply gets around the insulating impact of the ice itself
> (in nature, incremental sea ice forms at the bottom of the sheet).
> Spray technologies, energy intensive, have built ice islands for drilling
> platforms in one season that are 8 meters plus in thickness; this is much
> like making “snow” on ski hills. Ice bridges are typically built with low
> energy intensity: just pump water on top of existing ice.
> One merit of this approach is that it can be instantly stopped if any
> unanticipated negative impact arises, reducing the fear factor in the
> uninformed.
> Making sea ice doesn’t address the rising temperature itself other than by
> restoring the albedo of the ice cover itself, but it does sustain the ice.
> I think it is a good companion to temperature/insolation modification
> schemes.
> Peter Flynn
> Peter Flynn, P. Eng., Ph. D.
> Emeritus Professor and Poole Chair in Management for Engineers
> Department of Mechanical Engineering
> University of Alberta
> cell: 928 451 4455
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *John Nissen
> *Sent:* January-02-15 8:50 AM
> *To:*
> *Cc:* Alan Gadian; Stephen Salter; geoengineering
> *Subject:* Re: [geo] Watch "Integrated Assessment of Geoengineering
> Proposals…" on YouTube
> Dear Rob,
> This is an extremely relevant discussion for any attempt to cool the
> Arctic in order to halt sea ice retreat.  (There is strong evidence that
> the retreat is already having an effect on N Hemisphere climate due to jet
> stream disruption, so a strong argument to try cooling the Arctic ASAP.)
> The two main approaches being considered are (i) to produce a reflecting
> stratospheric haze at mid to high latitude and (ii) to brighten marine
> clouds (MCB) in the troposphere over the North Atlantic and North Pacific.
> In both cases the aim is to cool surface water flowing into the Arctic and
> thereby slow sea ice melt and allow it to reform more easily.  Much of the
> surface water at higher latitudes (between about 50N and 70N) finds its way
> into the Arctic.  About 10% of the world's freshwater flows in the Arctic
> Ocean.
> Most of your discussion has involved consideration of MCB, creating the
> cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) from ships.  Since there are so many
> unknowns about the effectiveness, couldn't we have some useful experiments
> from aircraft, or has this been done already?  For example, you point out
> that turbulence changes could reduce or enhance the initial enhancement -
> and if it is a reduction this could be showstopper.
> Two further approaches for cooling the Arctic involve clouds: (iii) cloud
> removal to increase outgoing thermal radiation, and (iv) cloud seeding to
> produce fresh snow and thereby increase surface albedo on a regional
> scale.  In both these cases, we need to test the production of CCN from
> aircraft and monitor effectiveness.
> Could you envisage a crash programme for testing of these various
> approaches, to see which is most appropriate and effective in different
> locations, at different times of year and under different circumstances
> (existing cloud conditions, etc)?  Has anything like this been done already?
> Cheers, John
> On Thu, Jan 1, 2015 at 4:47 PM, Rob Wood <> wrote:
> A straightforward way to prevent plume sinking (if indeed it turns out to be 
> undesirable for particle dispersion), is to heat the stack. This happens 
> already on all cargo ships.
> I don't believe that coagulation will be a showstopper although experiments 
> will be necessary to confirm this because coagulation depends on the exact 
> size distribution and charging and this cannot be predicted from modeling 
> alone. Some degree of charging may well occur (not my expertise) but this 
> will likely depend on the spray method. Effervescent spray atomization (see 
> Cooper et al. article in Phil Trans 2014 special issue), does not seem to 
> make a lot of charged particles.
> Observations show that shiptracks are rarely observed in boundary layers 
> deeper than 1km. Globally, most stratocumulus occurs in PBLs deeper than 
> this. But shiptracks themselves (although highly visible) are not necessary 
> for MCB to work. Greater dispersion in the subcloud layer prior to ascent 
> into the stratocumulus deck in the intermittently coupled layer above, might 
> increase efficacy by producing a more evenly distributed droplet 
> concentration enhancement (Stephen alluded to this).
> That said, I disagree that the albedo enhancement required (e.g., to offset 
> CO2 doubling globally, i.e., about 4 W/m2) is small. Only 20% of the planet 
> has clouds that may be seedable, so the solar reflection of seeded clouds 
> would need to be enhanced by >20 W/m2 (this number being generous because it 
> is highly unlikely that uniform seeding is possible). This is about one fifth 
> to one quarter of typical cloud albedo.
> More important than whether the human eye can detect the brightening, is that 
> spatial albedo enhancement gradients, and changes to the condensate amounts 
> due to e.g. drizzle suppression, will drive turbulence changes and also 
> regional scale circulation changes that produce cloud adjustments that could 
> reduce or enhance the initial enhancement. For example, it is known that on 
> average, condensate amounts in shiptracks are lower than in surrounding 
> clouds (e.g. Coakley and Walsh 2002, Chen et al. 2014) because reduced 
> precipitation in the track leads to stronger turbulence which drives greater 
> entrainment of dry free tropospheric air that thins the cloud layer. Ackerman 
> et al. (2004, Nature) first noticed this in large eddy models, and I wrote a 
> paper that attempted to explain this behavior with a simple model (Wood, J. 
> Atmos. Sci. 2007). These responses are difficult to capture in climate models 
> as they depend upon subgrid scale processes that are poorly represented in 
> models with re
> solutions greater than a few hundred meters horizontal and a few meters in 
> the vertical. A big challenge. This *might* be the biggest showstopper of all 
> for MCB.
> Regards
> Rob
> On 1/1/2015 4:36 AM, Alan Gadian wrote:
> Stephen,
> I am afraid I cannot comment on the electrification, but I would like to
> emphasise the dynamics again.  WRF (and WRF Chem ) can be driven either by
> an observed real data, or in an idealised WRF - LEM form ( with no BL
> parameterisation scheme) driven from an atmospheric profile
> In all LEM modelling of Sc, an important feature is always entrainment and
> mixing.  The horizontal and vertical velocities and the "rolls" or
> "eddies" are critical in this. If there is a decoupled layer near the
> surface, for example, as is sometimes / often observed then this will
> critically affect the dispersion. I am still uncertain what was run in the
> WRF chem simulation, what BL scheme was used in the IGAP runs, but the
> argument I am proposing was that the velocity structure is unlikely to
> be correct, unless actually verified with observations.
> I am trying the think of examples. Yamaguchi &  Feingold , 2014, show the
> changes in turbulence patterns, Wang and Fiengold (2009) and other work
> including that of Wood ( not mentioned as he is part of this discussion)
> show examples of this importance of the turbulence and eddies.
> I know that volcanoes are completely different, and this work is not at
> the required resolution for SC clouds, but the attached poster, probably
> without video, is some work that we did.  We had to run WRF in LEM mode to
> get anywhere near the correct eddy structures for the near volcanic plume
> eddies.  Again looking at the high resolution modelling work of AndrejczuK
> (some of which Rob was again involved with), the role of the interaction
> between the dynamical eddy structure and the microphysics and latent heat
> exchange is crucial.
> Thus again, I feel that there are a lot of uncertainties in the modelling
> work, and the only way to see if MCB works is to do an experiment
> Alan Gadian
> On Thu, 1 Jan 2015, Stephen Salter wrote:
> Hi All
> The words 'charge' and 'electrostatic' do not appear in Stuart et 2013.
> People cleaning oil tanks in the 1960's found the painful way that its is
> difficult NOT to generate charge, see
>   .  There are at
> least two ways by which we can control charge.
> The Stuart paper used a size distribution of 100 size bins, spaced
> logarithmically between 10 nm and 10 μm in wet diameter rather than
> mono-disperse spray.  This is a range of 1000:1.  I hope to keep within
> 20%.  Coagulation requires a relative velocity between drops.  Viscous
> forces are very large at sub-micron dimension.  Particles will behave like
> sand in honey.  Small scale turbulence will tend to vary the velocity of
> particles but while the Stokes drag force goes with the first power of
> diameter the mass resisting acceleration goes with the cube.  If there is
> a
> wide range of drop diameters, local turbulence will produce much larger
> range of relative velocities.  It would be useful to know coagulation
> rates
> for narrow ranges of drop diameter.
> In my paper on the detection of small contrast changes I assumed a loss of
> 50% which would not be a show stopper.
> In figure 2 of of the Stuart paper there is no sign of any initial drop
> due
> to evaporative cooling.
> Stephen
> Emeritus Professor of Engineering Design. School of Engineering.
> University
> of Edinburgh. Mayfield Road. Edinburgh EH9 3JL. Scotland
> Tel +44 (0)131 650 5704 Cell 07795 203 195 YouTube
> Jamie Taylor Power for Change
> On 01/01/2015 02:48, Alan Gadian wrote:
>       Rob,
> I agree here with you.  With LEM modelling with WRF Chem, the bdy
> layer schemes can be very diffusive.  Ignoring the electrostatics
> charge element, I am concerned that the PDFs of the vertical
> velocities are critical.  From experience 20m is not good enough
> resolution in the vertical. How does the model cope with changes in
> cloud droplet number, as seen in andrejczuk  (2012 aNd 2014) .  The
> vocals profiles provide data on the BL dynamical profiles, and I fear
> with the wef chem LEM results, the dynamics and hence the dispersion
> are inadequately represented.  WRF Chem is about 20 times slower than
> WRF without the chemistry package, and thus the representation of the
> dynamics has to be compromised for the inclusion of the chemistry.  I
> would like it clarified about how these results compare with
> observations.
> The papers of Andrejcuck provide a surprisingly efficient and rapid
> dispersion, and compare reasonably well with observations.
> Alan
> T --- Alan Gadian, NCAS, UK, ( sent from a mobile device ) Email:
>  or
> Tel: +44 / 0  775 451 9009 or +44 / 0  113 343 7246
> T ---
> On 31 Dec 2014, at 23:46, Rob Wood <>
> <> wrote:
>       Dear All,
>       I think that some degree of coagulation given such
>       localized point sources of large numbers of particles is
>       inevitable, as shown in the paper by Stuart et al. (2013).
>       This will also be the case with charged particles.
>       Nevertheless, I don't think that this is necessarily a
>       fundamental limitation. After all, shiptrack formation,
>       where even larger numbers of particles are produced, still
>       occurs. Coagulation must be considered in the
>       calculations. That said, in our recent paper (Connolly et
>       al. 2014), we found significant albedo enhancement in a
>       parcel model even with quite broad size distributions. The
>       optimal median particle size becomes smaller as the size
>       distribution spread broadens (e.g. from coagulation). For
>       broader distributions typical of those produced in lab
>       tests, the optimal median droplet diameters need to be
>       somewhat smaller than 0.1 micron.
>       I tend to agree with Stephen that near-surface spreading
>       due to initial negative buoyancy from evaporation of water
>       from the small seawater droplets may not necessarily be a
>       tremendous problem for the reasons he states. This has not
>       yet been considered in any model that I know of, but could
>       easily be done with large eddy models.
>       Rob Wood
>       On 12/30/2014 8:35 AM, Stephen Salter wrote:
>       Hi All
>       Piers Forster's  concern in his video about spray
>       coagulation would be reduced if his model had used
>       mono-disperse drops with an electrostatic charge as
>       specified in our  2008 paper on sea-going hardware.
>       His concern about detecting the effectiveness is
>       because the cloud contrast change needed to save
>       humanity is below the detection threshold of the
>       human eye.  However contrast can be enhanced by the
>       superposition of satellite aligned images.  I have
>       previously circulated some to this group and hope
>       that the idea will give quantitative results in a
>       few days.
>       The picture of spray plumes shown in box 3 of his
>       IAGP practicalities note must have been using warm
>       air from a chimney.  Depending on the temperature
>       and relative humidity of the surrounding ambient air
>       there will be several degrees of temperature drop
>       due to the latent heat of evaporation.  The increase
>       of density will lead to a rapid fall of the cooled
>       air which will spread out over the sea surface like
>       a spilt liquid until it has been warmed by the large
>       area of contact with sea. You can show this fall and
>       dispersion very cheaply with a pond fogger, £19.99
>       from Maplin.  We want this dispersion because a low
>       dose over a large area is more effective than a high
>       point dose.
>       Forster seems to be ignoring completely the idea of
>       coded modulation of CCN concentration in climate
>       models even though the satisfactory operation was
>       demonstrated by Ben Parkes doing a PhD in Forster's
>       own Department at Leeds in 2012. This might allow us
>       to get an everywhere-to-everywhere transfer function
>       of marine cloud brightening and win-win result with
>       more rain in dry places and less in wet.  The high
>       frequency response means that we can give a tactical
>       spraying based local day-to-day observations.
>       It is a puzzle that the Parkes thesis has, yet
>       again, vanished from the Leeds University website.
>       Stephen
>       Emeritus Professor of Engineering Design. School of
>       Engineering. University of Edinburgh. Mayfield Road.
>       Edinburgh EH9 3JL. Scotland Tel
>       +44 (0)131 650 5704 Cell 07795 203 195
> YouTube Jamie Taylor Power for
>       Change
> On 28/12/2014 20:03, Andrew Lockley wrote:
>       Integrated Assessment of Geoengineering
>       Proposals…:
>       Poster's note : I personally have found it
>       very difficult to access and appraise the
>       science behind the IAGP project. Despite this,
>       a vast amount of publicity has been obtained
>       for the project. I think the IAGP team could
>       do more to encourage early, in-depth access to
>       their material, particularly bearing in mind
>       the huge media interest.
>       --
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