It's actually very rude to dismiss Olaf's work on this as 'just so' stories. He has done laboratory tests of olivine dissolution rates in water under conditions of agitation, field tests of olivine particle evolution in farmland in the Netherlands, and is in touch with other who have, eg, measured biotic acceleration of olivine dissolution by lugworms on coastal mudflats.

That's not to say that there is not much more work to be done. But field experimentation is expensive and few funders are coming forward to pay for this kind of work. Some promise, for sure, but are very short on delivery.

Your idea that it's somehow 'scientific' to stick with 'results' that we know to be false by several orders of magnitude is to my mind somewhat paradoxical.

We know about the silicate, and indeed in many marine areas - those polluted by agricultural and sewage runoff - the bloom of diatoms at the expense of other algae would be a considerable benefit, replacing carpets of chocking algae with healthy populations of fish. Diatoms also do not expel CO2 from marine bicarbonate as part of the shell building process, and are good at sequestering carbon to deep water. The silicic acid will only cause 'massive diatom blooms' where all the other nutrients are already present to cause massive algal blooms in any case, so the effect will only be to replace one algal bloom with another.

The main metals liberated by the dissolution of olivine are Mg (already abundant) and Fe which is in many places a limiting nutrient. Nickel is not normally considered an olivine constituent, though olivine is often found with nickel bearing ores.


On 26/01/2015 11:22, Francesc Montserrat wrote:
As for now, Suzanne Hangx and Chris Spiers provided a working model, resulting in a set of (dissolution rate) values. Until the time that someone comes up with a better model and/or more accurate values, I think that the scientific method dictates we stick with the previous one. You know I agree with you in principle, Olaf, but mentioning "just-so" anecdotes/facts/observations is not enough to discredit a model...fortunately. Most, if not all, models start with being a very strong abstraction of reality, only to be tuned as mechanistic knowledge of the process under investigation increases. Slowly, such models become the minimal adequate models (MAM) we normally use to explain and/or predict those processes.

Let's be scientific about it and come up with a better tuned model for olivine dissolution and relevant consequences in terms of carbonate system, carbon sequestration and downstream ecological impacts in natural waters, including seawater.

As for Andrew's questions on location of the mines etc., I think that Nils Moosdorf, Phil Renforth and Jens Hartmann have done a good job in their paper answering the primary questions ( As for coastal defense win-win: have a look at this (, and then imagine one (partially) made up of olivine...but be careful to also imagine that the olivine in such a semi-natural structure releases concomitant amounts of silicate (conceivably causing massive diatom blooms, especially in the later months of the year when silicate is depleted in seawater) and considerable amounts of Nickel (of which we simply don't know what it does to the foodweb).


On 26-01-15 10:33, Schuiling, R.D. (Olaf) wrote:

Well, you better forget the model of Hangx and Spiers, as it has no relation to reality. They forget that grains roll on the beach and collide and scour each other knocking off micron sized slivers, they use weathering rates obtained in clean laboratories under exclusion of biotic factors, and they assumed that waters of the sea do not move. I attach a rebuttal of it (Schuiling, R. (2014) Climate Change and CO2 Removal from the Atmosphere. Natural Science, 6, 659-663. doi: 10.4236/ns.2014.69065 <>). A nice walk along the beach would have saved them a lot of wasted time.

*From:* [] *On Behalf Of *Christoph Voelker
*Sent:* zondag 25 januari 2015 17:15
*Subject:* Re: [geo] Energy Planning and Decarbonization Technology | The Energy Collective

Well, firstly there has been the study of Hangx and Spiers (2009),

Hangx, S. J. T., & Spiers, C. J. (2009). Coastal spreading of olivine to control atmospheric CO2 concentrations: A critical analysis of viability. /International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control/, /3/(6), 757–767. doi:10.1016/j.ijggc.2009.07.001

who arrive at the conclusion

"The feasibility of the concept depends on the rate of olivine dissolution, the sequestration capacity of the dominant reaction, and its CO2 footprint. Kinetics calculations show that offsetting 30% of worldwide 1990 CO2 emissions by beach weathering means distributing of 5.0 Gt of olivine per year. For mean seawater temperatures of 15–25 8C, olivine sand (300 mm grain size) takes 700–2100 years to reach the necessary steady state sequestration rate and is therefore of little practical value. To obtain useful, steady state CO2 uptake rates within 15–20 years requires grain sizes <10 mm. However, the preparation and movement of the required material poses major economic, infrastructural and public health questions. We conclude that coastal spreading of olivine is not a viable method of CO2 sequestration on the scale needed."

I am sure that Olaf Schuiling has a different viewpoint, especially on the kinetics, but what remains independent of the kinetics is that the total amount of olivine needed to get a sizeable reduction in pCO2 growth rate is on the order of a few Gt per year..

An estimate of how much silicate minerals are mined today (to get that into perspective) is available from

Phil Renforth et al. (2011) Silicate Production and Availability for Mineral Carbonation. Environ. Sci. Technol., 45, 2035–2041

And Moosdorf et al. have estimated the carbon dioxide efficiency, taking into account transportation etc:

Moosdorf, Renforth and Hartmann (2014) Carbon Dioxide Efficiency of Terrestrial Enhanced Weathering, Env Sci Technol. 48, 4809−4816

So there s already a lot around..

Cheers, Christoph

On 1/25/15 2:47 PM, Andrew Lockley wrote:

    Someone needs to do a proper infrastructure study of olivine to
    more comprehensively rebut the "contraptionist" arguments of some
    in the CDR community.

    Where are the mines?
    How many railcars?
    At what scale are the crushing machines?
    Will we distribute to beaches with lorries, or shallow seas with
    ships (and let longshore drift do the work)?
    What environmental monitoring spend is needed?
    Can this be used for a coastal defence win win?


    On 25 Jan 2015 13:23, "Schuiling, R.D. (Olaf)"
    < <>> wrote:

    Of course I support Andrew in this view, although chucking it
    into the sea is maybe a too simplistic view. My preference is to
    spread (coarse-grained, so little crushing energy spent) olivine
    on beaches, where the surf will crush them by grain collisions
    and by scraping them against each other. In a short while (in our
    experiments it took 10 days to see already a large effect, the
    water became opaque milky white from all the micron-sized slivers
    that were knocked off). A mixture of coarser and finer grit is
    more effective than a single grain size, as in society, the big
    ones crush the smaller ones. */The surf is the biggest ballmill
    on earth, and it is free of charge! /*An extension of this method
    is to discharge them in shallow seas with strong bottom currents.
    There are many sea bottoms covered with pebbles, and there the
    same effects of crushing can be seen. To avoid misunderstanding,
    the sea will not become opaque white, slivers that form are
    washed away by  the next wave. Within those ten day experiments,
    we observed that many slivers had already been transformed to
    brucite, (Mg(OH)2, known to carbonate very fast, and the pH of
    the water had already been raised considerably. And yes, of
    course, it will take a lot of olivine, which is fortunately the
    most abundant mineral on earth, Olaf Schuiling

    <>] *On Behalf Of *Andrew
    *Sent:* zaterdag 24 januari 2015 15:56
    *To:* geoengineering
    *Subject:* [geo] Energy Planning and Decarbonization Technology |
    The Energy Collective

    Poster's note : none of this explains why there's any need for
    integration. Chucking olivine in the sea seems easier and cheaper
    than all.

    3 Ways Carbon Removal can Help Unlock the Promise of an
    All-of-the-Above Energy Strategy

    January 24, 2015

    “We can’t have an energy strategy for the last century that traps
    us in the past. We need an energy strategy for the future – an
    all-of-the-above strategy for the 21st century that develops
    every source of American-made energy.”– President Barack Obama,
    March 15, 2012

    An all-of-the-above energy strategy holds great potential to make
    our energy system more secure, inexpensive, and
    environmentally-friendly. Today’s approach to all-of-the-above,
    however, is missing a key piece: carbon dioxide removal (“CDR”).
    Here’s three reasons why CDR is critical for the success of an
    all-of-the-above energy strategy:

    1. CDR helps unite renewable energy and fossil fuel proponents to
    advance carbon capture and storage (“CCS”) projects. Many
    renewable energy advocates view CCS as an expensive excuse to
    enable business-as-usual fossil fuel emissions. But biomass
    energy with CCS (bio-CCS) projects are essentially “renewable
    CCS” (previously viewed as an oxymoron), and could be critical
    for drawing down atmospheric carbon levels in the future. As a
    result, fossil CCS projects could provide a pathway to “renewable
    CCS” projects in the future. Because of the similarities in
    the carbon capture technology for fossil and bioenergy power
    plants, installing capture technology on fossil power plants
    today could help reduce technology and regulatory risk
    for bio-CCS projects in the future. What’s more, bio-CCS projects
    can share the infrastructure for transporting and storing CO2
    with fossil CCS installations. Creating such a pathway to bio-CCS
    should be feasible through regulations that increase carbon
    prices and/or biomass co-firing mandates slowly over time, and
    could help unite renewable energy and CCS proponents to develop
    policies that enable the development of cost-effective CCS

    2. CDR bolsters the environmental case for nuclear power by
    enabling it to be carbon “negative”: Many environmental advocates
    say that low-carbon benefits of nuclear power are outweighed by
    the other environmental and safety concerns of nuclear projects.
    The development of advanced nuclear projects paired with direct
    air capture (“DAC”) devices, however, could tip the scales in
    nuclear’s favor. DAC systems that utilize the heat produced from
    nuclear power plants can benefit from this “free” source of
    energy to potentially sequester CO2 directly from the atmosphere
    cost-effectively. The ability for nuclear + DAC to provide
    competitively-priced, carbon-negative energy could help convince
    nuclear power’s skeptics to support further investigation into
    developing safe and environmentally-friendly advanced nuclear

    3. CDR helps enable a cost-effective transition to a decarbonized
    economy: Today, environmental advocates claim that prolonged use
    of fossil fuels is mutually exclusive with preventing climate
    change, and fossil fuel advocates bash renewables as not
    ready for “prime time” — i.e. unable to deliver the
    economic/development benefits of inexpensive fossil energy. To
    resolve this logjam, indirect methods of decarbonization — such
    as a portfolio of low-cost CDR solutions — could enable fossil
    companies both to meet steep emission reduction
    targets and provide low-cost fossil energy until direct
    decarbonization through renewable energy systems become more
    cost-competitive (especially in difficult to decarbonize areas
    such as long-haul trucking and aviation).

    Of course, discussion about the potential for CDR to enable an
    all-of-the-above energy strategy is moot unless we invest in
    developing a portfolio of CDR approaches. But if we do make this
    investment in CDR, an all-of-the-above energy strategy
    that delivers a diversified, low-cost, and low-carbon energy
    system stands a greater chance of becoming a reality.

    Noah Deich

    Noah Deich is a professional in the carbon removal field with six
    years of clean energy and sustainability consulting experience.
    Noah currently works part-time as a consultant for the Virgin
    Earth Challenge, is pursuing his MBA from the Haas School of
    Business at UC Berkeley, and writes a blog dedicated to carbon
    removal (

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Christoph Voelker
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research
Am Handelshafen 12
27570 Bremerhaven, Germany  <>
t: +49 471 4831 1848

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- no title specified

vriendelijke groeten / kind regards,

Dr. Francesc Montserrat

Department of Ecosystem Studies
Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ)

Korringaweg 7
4401 NT Yerseke
The Netherlands

Office:   +31 (0)113 577 462
Mobile:  +31 (0)6 2481 5595

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