Andrew,  cc Michael and List:  (adding Professor Coffman, as a courtesy)

        1.  Two questions:

        a.  Could you expand on your below phrase ”This has kicked mitigation 
into the long grass.”    It is not clear to me whether this is a pro-CDR or 
con-CDR statement.  For me, biochar is a mitigation option as well as a CDR 
option.   I don’t know whether “long grass” is a good or bad place to be.   The 
word “This” would seem to be CDR-influence (a positive from your, Michael’s and 
my perspectives) - but ”kicked” seems negative.

        b.   Could you expand in the second sentence on “pending”.   I take 
Michael’s interjection to be that there are several existing CDR approaches 
that are here today - not “pending”.   Michael uses the term “10 (+) years”,  
but the anthropogenic Terra Preta soils of the Amazon go back more than two 
orders of magnitude further (6000 years by some accounts).  Michael did not 
include the term “BECCS” - which presumably many of us agree is not ready 
(although widely assumed to be needed).

        2.  Thank you for the new terms “carelessness” and “malfeasance”.  
These help me a lot in understanding the terms “morale” and “moral”.   I 
believe Michael is saying there are more than these two motivations at play 
here in the CDR world.  I agree.

        3.  Re your last sentence on “significant” -  I think that can be true 
- especially because we can now seriously debate about CDR’s readiness.  
Michael is asserting CDR is ready.  I agree.

        Thanks for your prompt response to Michael’s note of concern.


> On Sep 21, 2016, at 1:58 AM, Andrew Lockley <> wrote:
> Michael
> The influence of CDR technology is plain. It underpins the Paris Agreement. 
> This has kicked mitigation into the long grass.  We will, pending CDR, be 
> allowed to eat too much meat, waste too much food, use inefficient cars, and 
> have poorly insulated buildings and homes. We will move goods too far in 
> vehicles that are themselves too energy inefficient. We will continue to chop 
> down forests and degrade soils.
> Whether this is down to carelessness (Morale Hazard) or malfeasance (moral 
> hazard) depends largely on the motives of those lobbying for such policies.
> I remain of the opinion that our contribution to the debate is significant.
> Thanks
> Andrew Lockley
> On 21 Sep 2016 08:51, "Michael Hayes" < 
> <>> wrote:
> Critique: Distinguishing morale hazard from moral hazard in geoengineering 
> <>
> Abstract: 
> In the introduction to the paper ‘Distinguishing morale hazard from moral 
> hazard in geoengineering’ (Andrew Lockley Independent scholar, D’Maris 
> Coffman CPM, UCL Bartlett, London, UK-Environmental Law Review 2016, Vol. 
> 18(3) 194–204) the authors take the position that “It is therefore possible 
> that the (sic) even the theoretical existence of geoengineering technologies 
> results in a reduced urgency to cut emissions.”. This view is further 
> expanded upon in the Discussion section's opening sentence: One of the key 
> issues in geoengineering is the idea that the existence of techniques for 
> climate change engineering represent what we would classify as a morale 
> hazard, namely that they reduce the political will to cut carbon emissions, 
> or that they might make individuals or society less inclined to change 
> behaviours.
> Such an opinion, although it is parroted by many, is simply a misleading red 
> herring as a number of Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) technologies, inter alia, 
> Advanced Weathering of Limestone, Biochar, Olivine, and Marine Biomass 
> Production etc. have been largely available for vast scale deployment, or 
> have been deployed, for around 10(+) years. Yet the theoretical, or even 
> actual, existence of such CDR methods have had no discernible effect on the 
> public's opinion of geoengineering or their behavior relative to it, one way 
> or another. As such, this critique will take a close look at:
> a) the scope of currently deployed/deployable CDR methods,
> b) the reasons why the morale/moral hazard argument(s) are simply not 
> applicable to a number of such CDR methods and or combinations of methods,
> c) a few plausible reasons why so many authors, at both the peer reviewed 
> level and media level, often find themselves making the conceptual mistakes 
> reproduced within Mr. Lockley and Prof. Coffman’s work. 
> Also, this critique will not involve itself with the discussion on the 
> difference and/or distinction between the morale and moral hazard concepts, 
> relative to geoengineering, as there are no obviously striking, or even 
> slightly meaningful, difference and/or distinction to be found between the 2 
> hazards...within a number of the currently actionable CDR methods. Therefore, 
> this critique is not primarily an effort at pointing out what is wrong with 
> the paper as much as it is an effort to point out why Lockley and Coffman got 
> it wrong.
> Finally, this critique will be posted in a 3 part series as the subjects to 
> be covered are extensive in both volume and complexity. 
> Michael Hayes 
> On Wednesday, September 14, 2016 at 8:54:03 AM UTC-7, Andrew Lockley wrote:
> Distinguishing morale hazard from moral hazard in geoengineering
> Andrew Lockley 
> Independent scholar 
> D’Maris Coffman 
> CPM, UCL Bartlett, London, UK
> Abstract 
> Geoengineering is the deliberate modification of the climate system. It has 
> been discussed as a technique to 
> counteract changes expected as a result of Anthropogenic Global Warming 
> (AGW). Speculation has occurred that the possibility of geoengineering will 
> reduce or delay efforts to mitigate AGW. This possible delay or reduction in 
> mitigation has been described as ‘moral hazard’ by various authors. We 
> investigate the definitions and use of the term ‘moral hazard’, and the 
> related (but significantly different) concept of ‘morale hazard’, in relevant 
> law, economic and insurance literatures. We find that ‘moral hazard’ has been 
> generally misapplied in discussions of geoengineering, which perhaps explains 
> unexpected difficulties in detecting expected effects experimentally. We 
> clarify relevant usage of the terms, identifying scenarios that can properly 
> be described as moral hazard (malfeasance), and morale hazard (lack of 
> caution or recklessness). We note generally the importance of correctly 
> applying this distinction 
> when discussing geoengineering. In conclusion, we note that a proper 
> consideration of the risks of both 
> moral and morale hazards allows us to easily segment framings for both 
> geoengineering advocacy and the 
> advocate groups who rely on these framings. We suggest mnemonics for groups 
> vulnerable to moral hazard 
> (Business as Usuals) and morale hazard (Chicken Littles) and suggest the 
> development of an experimental 
> methodology for validating the distinction thus drawn.
> Keywords 
> Geoengineering, moral hazard, morale hazard, carbon dioxide removal, 
> greenhouse gas removal, negative 
> emissions technology, solar radiation management (SRM)
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