Ben Caradoc-Davies ha scritto:
> +1.
> I think this is an excellent and powerful new feature. I have been 
> thinking about how this could be used in WFS as well, particularly 
> app-schema, which is an adapter that consumes simple feature data 
> stores. This approach could provide some exciting new configuration options.
> Andrea, I assume this requires JDBCDataStore (NG) changes? If, could you 
> please outline them?
> Rob A, how close is this to replacing sqlview?

Talking about replacements, the work I'm doing is still not up to
replace the geometryless store.

In theory it could be made to by creating a custom template block
that is expanded only in case of bbox query, and by starting to
accept geometries in WKT format.

Think you have your non spatial aware database and you want
to create points out of it, the following could work:

select a, b, c, 'POINT(' + x + ' ' + y + ')' as geom
from table
{bbox}where x >= %xmin% and x <= %xmax%
       and y <= %ymin% and y >= %ymax%{bbox}

where the {bbox} block is expanded only if we have a
spatial query in the mix (the string -> geometry conversion
could be taken care of by converters).

Imagine that we also roll a generic jdbc-ng datastore
targeted at non spatial databases and you have all
you need to replace the old geometryless datastore,
but sort of on steroids (you can also build LINESTRING
and other geometry types if you really want to).

On the other side that would be hard-ish to configure
and not sure if all the work needed to get there
is worth the trouble (and oh, it would be read only

Just thinking out loud ;-)


Andrea Aime
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