On 23-07-15 10:16, Niels Charlier wrote:
On 23-07-15 07:05, Jody Garnett wrote:
Directories do not exist until needed, just like resources are not created until needed. We worked hard to simplify all the common checks including that one :) So for a file system resource store if you create a resource using resource.out() the file (and the directory it belongs to) will be created as needed.

Do you have an example that needs a directory that we can port together? I tried to include before and after examples <https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/wiki/ResourceStore-API-Examples> in the proposal.

That makes sense. Have a look at anything that calls GeoServerResourceLoader.getOrCreateDirectory Guess they can be modified to work with Resources instead of the file system
By the way, if that is the case, that yet another reason to use paths rather than IDS as handles in the JDBCResourceStore. COnsidering that a resource can be initialized that contains multiple directories that do not even exist yet.

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