Have a look at the examples I linked to. We need a second QA pass through
the codebase to remove references to files (and deprecate methods like
getOrCreateDirectory). For the first pass I just implemented them all in
terms of Resource - but any code that asks for a file will get one
(unpacking the blob from the resource store if needed).

We can wait to hear from kevin, but I am not sure he is too concerned about
how JDBCResourceStore takes shape. We went over a couple different designs
(including placeholder entries for directories, so that resources could
link to their "parent").

What is you idea with Paths? Use a like filter to shortlist directory
contents for Resource.list() ?

Jody Garnett

On 23 July 2015 at 01:16, Niels Charlier <ni...@scitus.be> wrote:

>  On 23-07-15 07:05, Jody Garnett wrote:
>  Directories do not exist until needed, just like resources are not
> created until needed. We worked hard to simplify all the common checks
> including that one :) So for a file system resource store if you create a
> resource using resource.out() the file (and the directory it belongs to)
> will be created as needed.
> Do you have an example that needs a directory that we can port together? I
> tried to include before and after examples
> <https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/wiki/ResourceStore-API-Examples>
> in the proposal.
> That makes sense. Have a look at anything that calls
> GeoServerResourceLoader.getOrCreateDirectory
> Guess they can be modified to work with Resources instead of the file
> system
> Cheers
> Niels
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