On Wed, Dec 22, 2021 at 10:52 PM Rahkonen Jukka (MML) <
jukka.rahko...@maanmittauslaitos.fi> wrote:

> Hi,
> +1, much easier than to play with schema.xsd and offers more features,
> especially for non-SQL data sources when a database view is not an option.

Yes, that's the main target.

> Maybe there could be a test button that tests if new names are valid in
> XML and if type casts are possible and/or lossless.

Service validity checks would be a GSIP of their own, WFS is not
necessarily active, and not necessarily used to serve data in GML
(I see installations where WFS is just a means to get GeoJSON for example).

Making sure the type casts are sensible is an interesting idea...
conversion is performed via GeoTools Converter implementations,
which are pluggable. What I could do, is to add a check on whether a
converter exists, that goes from the native type to the
target type, using Converters.getConverterFactories(source, target).
However, I have no way to tell if the conversion
will be lossless, or not.... maybe the feature type should be marked as
read-only in that case, as there is no guarantee
the back-mapping would produce something sensible... on the other end, it
might, and the mechanism would deny also
working situations.
What about documenting the issue, and letting the admin decide whether
editing should be allowed, using the security
sub-system (there is no other way to make a feature type read only)?



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