Hi list,

We send a WMS GetMap-request (through OpenLayers) to geoserver for a set of 
layers. The number of comma-seperated values in the layers parameter ranges 
from 1 to 30.

Some of our users are only allowed to see the objects of a certain geographic 
area like a city or a state. To implement this requirement, we currently add a 
cql_filter to the request and so for each layer (in the layers parameter) we 
add something like "WITHIN(the_geom, wktOfArea)". This wktOfArea can get quite 
big and is thus repeated for every layer (resulting in a very big request). It 
works, but it's slow.

Are there any alternatives to implement this requirement? What's considered tob 
e the best approach? I noticed the querylayer module (cross layer filtering) 
and because the cities and states are defined in a seperate geoserver layer, I 
assume this could be a (good) alternative...

Kind regards,
Roel De Nijs
Senior Java Developer

[Congres publieke ruimte]<http://www.congrespubliekeruimte.be>

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