The jdbconfig module was mentioned as a community module in the release
notes. It is especially difficult to ask for assistance/support on
community modules where the work is not being released as part of
GeoServer. We set up the "community module" idea to encourage students and
companies to share their work in progress, experiments and features to
encourage collaboration. Not every group is in position to meet the quality
assurance and documentation requirements to have their work included in

If you are interested in any of the projects here you may
wish to check if the work is actively maintained:

- if the community module is not actively maintained ask on the email list
if there is anyone else working on the functionality - perhaps you can
combine forces? The developer responsible may need encouragement/assistance
or a contract to complete the work to meet the documentation and quality
assurance requirements for the Project. We have to be careful in the
GeoServer community not to take on functionality that is unsupported and

- If the community module  is actively maintained review the pom.xml file
to determine who is taking care of it, many of these individuals are listed
on our commercial support page

I do understand that community modules are frustrating, the promise of
functionality that is *just* out of reach. We find this less frustrating
then helping developers (sometimes for months) complete features that we
never get to see. At least this way we have access to the source code and
can build on their work (either directly by completing the functionality,
or indirectly by using the work as an example/inspiration).

Jody Garnett

On 8 July 2016 at 04:54, Daniel Araujo Miranda <>

> Hi everyone!
>      In the short time I have participated in this list I have got the
> impression that the rate of questions asked in this list somewhat
> exceeds the rate of questions answered.
>      It is not fair to ask more of the developers or the other geoserver
> volunteers, so if you know the answer to mine or any other question,
> please chime in.
> Thanks to all, this is a great community around a great project.
> --Daniel
> Em 05/07/2016 13:08, Daniel Araujo Miranda escreveu:
> > Hi, everyone.
> >       I am trying to download the JDBCConfig module for installation in
> > my new geoserver 2.9 server, and I cannot find the file for download.
> >
> > Here is what I tried:
> > -Read the docs at
> >
> > -Went to and clicked on
> > "extensions", and searched for the
> > That seemed to me to be the right
> > place, because there were zipfiles with the names of a lot of other
> > extensions.
> > -Did the same above for geoserver 2.8.4, found a lot of extensions, but
> > not this one.
> > -Searched again for the related module JDBCStore, also could not find it.
> > -Googled for with no success
> > -Checked the release notes for geoserver 2.9.0 at
> >
> >    and found a mention of the JDBCConfig module under "Resource REST
> > API", which leads me to believe that it is currently supported.
> > -Found the source at
> >
> >    and tried to compile Geoserver from source (although that was also
> > motivated by a specific LDAP need of mine). Compiling from source proved
> > to be too much right now, I am not familiar with the codebase and
> > haven't programmed in java for a long time. I would like to keep
> > everything stock to make maintenance easier and documentation shorter.
> >
> >
> >
> > Should the zipfile be available at the locations I looked?
> > Is that module current (I take it that it is since the latest commit was
> > 15 days ago)?
> > Is it necessary to compile the module from source?
> >
> > I apologize if I have missed something obvious. Please point me in the
> > right direction.
> >
> > Best,
> > Daniel Miranda
> >
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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