Hi, Jody!
     Thanks for your answer.

     I hold this community in the highest regard and I did not wish to 
convey any negative idea about it. I apologize if I did that

     The idea of the community modules is great and I fully understand 
the support limitations regarding these. I also understand the 
limitations of community support versus paid consulting even for 
supported modules. You are one of the people I think it is not fair to 
ask more of, you already do a lot. I have spoken to my management and my 
team that we intend to hire external support for our foss4g stack if and 
when our service scales.

     I tried to give the list participants a small nudge to reply to the 
questions. The other alternative I thought of for the answers to catch 
up with the questions was to encourage people to spend at least an hour 
trying to solve the problem before e-mailing the list (which I did). 
That would, however, probably go the other way around. I wouldn't feel 
very welcome if someone asked me that.

     Thanks for the pointers on where to get the information. I checked 
the github page and found the main committers to the jdbcconfig module. 
pom.xml does not list maintainers, but has a lot of committers.



Daniel Araújo Miranda
Forensics Expert
Inteligeo - Geographic Intelligence
National Institute of Criminalistics
Brazilian Federal Police

Em 11/07/2016 18:32, Jody Garnett escreveu:
> The jdbconfig module was mentioned as a community module in the 
> release notes. It is especially difficult to ask for 
> assistance/support on community modules where the work is not being 
> released as part of GeoServer. We set up the "community module" idea 
> to encourage students and companies to share their work in progress, 
> experiments and features to encourage collaboration. Not every group 
> is in position to meet the quality assurance and documentation 
> requirements to have their work included in GeoServer.
> If you are interested in any of the projects here 
> https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/tree/master/src/community you 
> may wish to check if the work is actively maintained:
> - if the community module is not actively maintained ask on the email 
> list if there is anyone else working on the functionality - perhaps 
> you can combine forces? The developer responsible may need 
> encouragement/assistance or a contract to complete the work to meet 
> the documentation and quality assurance requirements for the Project. 
> We have to be careful in the GeoServer community not to take on 
> functionality that is unsupported and unmaintainable.
> - If the community module  is actively maintained review the pom.xml 
> file to determine who is taking care of it, many of these individuals 
> are listed on our commercial support page
> I do understand that community modules are frustrating, the promise of 
> functionality that is *just* out of reach. We find this less 
> frustrating then helping developers (sometimes for months) complete 
> features that we never get to see. At least this way we have access to 
> the source code and can build on their work (either directly by 
> completing the functionality, or indirectly by using the work as an 
> example/inspiration).
> --
> Jody Garnett
> On 8 July 2016 at 04:54, Daniel Araujo Miranda <miranda....@dpf.gov.br 
> <mailto:miranda....@dpf.gov.br>> wrote:
>     Hi everyone!
>          In the short time I have participated in this list I have got the
>     impression that the rate of questions asked in this list somewhat
>     exceeds the rate of questions answered.
>          It is not fair to ask more of the developers or the other
>     geoserver
>     volunteers, so if you know the answer to mine or any other question,
>     please chime in.
>     Thanks to all, this is a great community around a great project.
>     --Daniel
>     Em 05/07/2016 13:08, Daniel Araujo Miranda escreveu:
>     > Hi, everyone.
>     >       I am trying to download the JDBCConfig module for
>     installation in
>     > my new geoserver 2.9 server, and I cannot find the file for
>     download.
>     >
>     > Here is what I tried:
>     > -Read the docs at
>     >
> http://docs.geoserver.org/stable/en/user/community/jdbcconfig/installing.html
>     > -Went to http://geoserver.org/release/stable/ and clicked on
>     > "extensions", and searched for the
>     > geoserver-2.9.0-jdbcconfig-plugin.zip. That seemed to me to be
>     the right
>     > place, because there were zipfiles with the names of a lot of other
>     > extensions.
>     > -Did the same above for geoserver 2.8.4, found a lot of
>     extensions, but
>     > not this one.
>     > -Searched again for the related module JDBCStore, also could not
>     find it.
>     > -Googled for geoserver-2.9.0-jdbcconfig-plugin.zip with no success
>     > -Checked the release notes for geoserver 2.9.0 at
>     > http://blog.geoserver.org/2016/05/30/geoserver-2-9-0-released/
>     >    and found a mention of the JDBCConfig module under "Resource REST
>     > API", which leads me to believe that it is currently supported.
>     > -Found the source at
>     >
> https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/tree/master/src/community/jdbcconfig
>     >    and tried to compile Geoserver from source (although that was
>     also
>     > motivated by a specific LDAP need of mine). Compiling from
>     source proved
>     > to be too much right now, I am not familiar with the codebase and
>     > haven't programmed in java for a long time. I would like to keep
>     > everything stock to make maintenance easier and documentation
>     shorter.
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     > Should the zipfile be available at the locations I looked?
>     > Is that module current (I take it that it is since the latest
>     commit was
>     > 15 days ago)?
>     > Is it necessary to compile the module from source?
>     >
>     > I apologize if I have missed something obvious. Please point me
>     in the
>     > right direction.
>     >
>     > Best,
>     > Daniel Miranda
>     >
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