Hi Andrea, 

It is a bit unclear whether overlays were produced for the currently
published raster but yes, trying to add them now to a bigtiff.

Thanks for clarifying what Simone wrote, I read it too fast.. anyways, it
would make sense to hide the ortho at smaller resolutions as it is of most
use in larger scales anyway, however currently our web map client has it as
a background layer and it would appear illogical for only white to appear
when switching to it at a smaller scale. Am currently laboratoring with
jpeg2k in fme and overlays with gdal, for imagemosaic or possibly
gdal_retile.py for imagepyramid. 

Thanks all for an interesting discussion.

geowolf wrote
> On Sun, Nov 24, 2019 at 4:23 PM David I <

> perssond9@

> > wrote:
>> Hello Simone,
>> thanks for the concrete piece of advice (more than 30-40 files then
>> imagemosaic might be unsuitable, find some other method, like using the
>> pyramids plugin).
> To clarify, one can have a mosaic with millions of images, as long as they
> are not opened
> all together. The file limit above is intended for the single GetMap or
> GetTile request,
> so as long as you set a scale denominator and have the mosaic image index
> with a spatial index
> on the bbox of the images, there is no trouble: just set a scale
> denominator limit in the style so that
> the images start showing up only when you are fairly zoomed in.
> Also, a note, I don't see you adding overviews to the files, that's also
> going to limit the performance
> of the mosaic significantly.
> Cheers
> Andrea
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