
With apologies to non-Americans, Americans on the list may want to turn out
to support the "young climate warriors in Juliana v United States" in about
2 weeks. Although the case will be tried in Eugene Oregon, there are support
rallies at courthouses in all 50 states (many in towns of major
universities).  Find out if there is one near you at
<>  Maybe give
students in your class extra credit for attending!

Details below.



The #TrialoftheCentury Begins on October 29, 2018



The Juliana v. US lawsuit, led by 21 youth plaintiffs against the federal
government for causing climate change, will go to trial on October 29, 2018
in Eugene, Oregon. People in every state are standing up to organize a rally
at their federal courthouse in support of these brave climate warriors as
they head into court to face the Trump administration. We need your help
spreading the word about these rallies so that these plaintiffs know they
have the American people behind them!


Important Web Links: 

.         Learn more about the #TrialoftheCentury & find a rally:

.         Join the youthvgov movement:

.         For questions about this toolkit email:


Main hashtags: #youthvgov #TrialoftheCentury #SeeYouInCourt


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