On Fri Sep 8 13:43:53 BST 2017, RS wrote:

I realise you did not write the code but are only defending it

Hi Richard; I wasn't "defending" the code,
I merely provided some additional info that
would explain your "for some reason" previous

get_iplayer for some reason uses a different format
for ffmpeg options depending on the value of
! $opt->{ffmpegobsolete}

As far as I am aware -loglevel is not a new ffmpeg option.

Agreed; but it wasn't there from the start and its arguments
have changed over time; just browse:


Also, I have an old patched version
of GiP 2.97 lying around (used for
flash modes), its help contains the entry:

Indicates you are using an obsolete version of ffmpeg (<0.7)
that does not support the -loglevel or -stats options,
so --quiet, --verbose and --debug
will not be applied to ffmpeg.

To conclude ffmpegobsolete, that
setting also dictates the syntax used for
applying the bitstream audio filter during remux:


v2.5 or above is needed for HLS
and v3.0 or above is needed for DASH.

HLS should be interpreted to actually mean
Video Factory HLS modes ("hvf", not the
"legacy" "hls" ones)

(Does that leave any modes
obsolete versions will work with?)

"hls" will work OK, yielding tagged MP4 files;
dvf/hvf will produce (untagged) .TS files
(playable though by most SW/HW players
with support for h.264/aaclc codecs).

I gather also daf (audio) modes would fail to
yield proper .m4a files; unsure about haf
modes, too...

Best regards,

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