On 09/01/2019 02:02, Peter S Kirk wrote:

imo BBC are calling them Competitors under false pretensions. BBC is UK
only and Free.

This plea to Ofcom is an attempt to destroy Amazon, Netflix etc in UK

I hope Ofcom rejects BBC extension

Sorry, but I think you're very wrong.  Viewing habits are changing dramatically, away from the traditional "push" method of broadcasting to the "pull" style of streaming. Yes, the BBC is free, but it competes for viewers alongside the others in the market. It is already under significant threat because the TV licence fee is under pressure - viewing figures are fragmented across a wide range of platforms (I recall the days when major programmes regularly achieved viewing figures of 15M+, a figure unheard of these days) and all further fragmentation leads to calls for the BBC to be stripped of licence fee funding.

The BBC competes internationally in the production of programming, "Top Gear" and "Killing Eve" are two such international successes. Far from trying to destroy Amazon and Netflix, the reality is the reverse - ten, or even five, years ago those two didn't have the presence in the market that they have today and it is the BBC that is under threat.



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