On 24/12/2019 11:06, Ralph Corderoy wrote:

Specifying ‘--modes dvfhd1,dvfhd2,dvfhd3’ picks the technical version.

     INFO: Downloading tv: 'His Dark Materials: Series 1 - 08. Betrayal 
(m000csdk) [technical]'

     INFO: Downloaded: 0.00 MB (00:00:00) @ 0.00 Mb/s (dvfhd1/bi) [audio]
     WARNING: Failed to download file segment [0]
     WARNING: Response: 400 Bad Request
     WARNING: No streams available for 'technical' version (m000d182) - 
skipping (retry)

Have you tried a different CDN as your first choice?  I don't know why get_iplayer has not retried with the second and third CDNSs you have specified.  I tried Akamai with
--tvmode=dvfhd3 --versions=technical
and it worked.  I only downloaded the audio and part of the video as this is a metered connection.  I haven't tried all the modes and CDNs, so there may be others that work.

Best wishes

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