I'm giving Joystick support to GGL, and it's almost done, but I
found a little problem. The joystick buttons are reported in a evKey event,
so, the GGL keyboard device gets its own events and also the joystick

        I open the joystick by opening a gii_input_t of type "linux-joy",
and then calling ggiJoinInputs with the ggi_visual_t and the new

        I know that I can access to event->any.origin to distingish between
keyboard and joystick events, but how can I know which value is the keyboard
one and which is the joystick one? In a few proofs that I've made the
keyboard events had the 0100 value and the joystick the 0200, but I don't
know if it is always this way.

        Can anybody help me, please?
 /_) \/ / /  email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
/ \  / (_/   www  : http://programacion.mundivia.es/ryu
[ GGL developer ] & [ IRCore developer ] & [ GPUL member ]

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