On Thu, 01 Feb 2001, Andreas Beck wrote:

> I'd like it better if one could display multiple cursors at the same time.

This is something that could be added.
> If the Cursors are emulated, this is absolutely necessary to do in the lib
> itself, as handling that in the application is a real PITA.

Yes it is.

> For the same reason (emulated sprites) I'd recommend to have a
> "Hideifemulated" Function which gets used for hiding emulated cursors while 
> drawing.

Could you expand on this.  HOw would it work?  I thought about this and 
sort of just forgot about it because it was interfering w/ progress.

> For performance reasons, I'd recommend to bind cursors to visuals, as an
> optimized representation can then be stored to make blitting quicker. 

They are bound to visuals.  You just have multiple cursors loaded into a visual
and  you select the one you want to appear with the handle.  The handle is only
to be used with one visual.  All it does is specify which cursor to use. Say I
load cursor's A, B and C into visual V.  I'have to be able to specify to visual
V that I want B to show.

A = ggiLoadCursor( V, A-data)
B = ggiLoadCursor( V,  B-data)
C = ggiLoadCursor( V, C-data)

ggiSetCursor(V, B);

Of course if you have visual  W,

ggiSetCursor(W, B);'

makes no sense because B was loaded into V  not W.  This would return an error.
Is this OK?

> Huh ? 16 Bits for the depth and only 8 for sizes ? 

Nuff said.

> ggibse_t        ggiBseAllocate  (ggi_visual_t vis, int width, int height,
  Here you associate a handle with a visual.  Would it make sense to use
this handle with another visual?  I don't think so.  This answers my question as
whether you think this is OK or not.

Thank you andy. I read the rest of your email and it made me feel more
comfortable with what I have done.

I really think we're on the same page.  I really would like to hear about this 
Hideifemulated business. You clearly have experience with the issue.


Lee Brown Jr.

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