It is less that 2 months away from the point where we have to either
confirm or cancel GHM 2017.  Right now, we don't quite have enough confirmed 
registrations to proceed.

Previous experience of Gnu events have shown that many people commit themselves
right at the last possible moment.  Unfortunately that isn't going to work this
time - we need to confirm the venue in advance.

If you have any aquantainces who have indicated an intention to attend, but have
not yet registered, then please give them a gentle reminder.

A couple of people have registered but not yet paid (you know who you are) - 
it would be great if we could get your money soon.

Less urgently, there are a number of tasks for which we need volunteers.  
For example, "master of ceremonies", co-ordination of car-pooling, audio-visual
recording, arranging the program (I think someone put his hand up for that, but
I'm not sure).   If you can help with any of these tasks please reply to this

Hope to see you all at GHM 2017.


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