On 06/04/2016 01:50 PM, Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
Including softproofing?

Of course not.

Gez wasn't talking about the new soft proofing options, and neither am I. Gez was talking about the same options that have always been the subject of this particular thread, which is to say:

1. "Image/Color Management/Enable Color management".
Unchecking this option does NOT disable color management but merely assigns the GIMP built in sRGB profile. This task can already be accomplished by going to "Image/Color Management/Assign Color Profile" and assigning the GIMP built-in sRGB profile.

2. "File/New/Color manage this image".
Unchecking this option does NOT disable color management, but merely assigns the GIMP built in sRGB profile to the image, which is already the default color profile for new images.

Is this rather sidewise-seeming question a ploy to draw attention away from more important issues that Gez is trying to draw attention to? Namely the fact that GIMP is morphing into an image editor that won't serve the needs of the target audience outlined in the GIMP vision statement?


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