Lourens Veen schrieb:

> Sven Neumann wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> > this sounds reasonable to me. On the other hand, this would render the
> > bucket fill tool almost useless since you can do the color and pattern
> > fill much easier using DND. The sole advantage of the Bucket Fill tools
> > is the threshold functionality and the fact that the possibility to fill
> > using DND is not obvious.
> I feel that that last one is a problem. The GUI needs to be consistent.
> Why not stick to three basic things: tools, filters, and scripts.

That is not correct. You will need some more things.
-Shortcuts: Operations like "Fill with FG color" or "Delete Selection" that
can be called from the menu or by keystroke.
-Dialogs: Showing you information or allowing to set options for all tools,
for a window, a image or the whole program. (e.g. Brush window, Image Info)
-Actions not changing the image: Zoom, New View, Rulers, ...

> The
> tools should all be in the Gimp main window as buttons (or maybe only
> partially in "beginner mode" if we do the config/skin thing, sounds good
> to me btw, ICQ has it too for example), and the filters should be in
> Image->Filters, scripts would go into Image-Scripts. These should then
> be subdivided into logical groups, from the user side, not from the
> programmer side. The user doesn't care if a script was written in Perl
> or in Scheme, he cares about what it does to his image. The unobvious
> things can stay, but please, keep them as hidden functionality for power
> users, not as the only possible way to do it.

Ok, but what you state here is not a problem. Ok, you have difficulties to
tell a tool apart from just a fancy function (curve tool anyone).
But this is no real problem.
The bottom line is: "Who can tell what to do with the UI."


> Lourens
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