tis 2002-01-22 klockan 08.25 skrev Rebecca J. Walter:
> > Is the message reorganization in gimp HEAD completed? There are quite a
> > few changes, and I'd like to know if it's more safe to start translating
> > these without too many expected radical changes coming.
> Nope. I'm not done yet.  The problem is that I have a higher work load
> at the moment and cannot complete things as rapidly as I had hoped.
> How should we deal with this?  There are a lot of problems in there that
> need to be fixed, but my time is more limited and will come somewhat
> haphazardly.
> I would suggest waiting a little longer at least. I will try to finish
> the files in app/gui as soon as I can. those are the main strings,
> right?

Sure, no problem.


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