
Steve Lipa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> First, the gimp-plugin-template is set up to
> use a static gimp-help.xml file that always points
> to a web address: 
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <gimp-help xmlns:template="http://developer.gimp.org/plug-in-template/help";>
>   <help-item template:id="plug-in-template" ref="index.html" />
> </gimp-help>

This is a misunderstanding. The URL given there is just a unique
identifier of the XML namespace declaration for "template:". There
doesn't need to be any page pointed to by this URL. Please read up on
XML namespaces if you want to understand this better or just ask again

I have posted detailed explanations of the help system earlier on this
list. Perhaps we should pull these out of the archives and put them
online on developer.gimp.org.

> Recent changes in gimp-plugin-template have changed 
> some things.  First, in the file Makefile.am in 
> the src directory, the idea of a PLUGIN_DIR seems to 
> have gone away and the gimp-plugin-template puts the 
> binary in:
> bindir = $(GIMP_LIBDIR)/plug-ins
> This destination seems (at least in my case) to
> be controlled by the contents of my gimp-2.0.pc
> file and the prefix in that file overrides any
> --prefix specification that I use when installing
> the plug-in.  It seems to me that for general
> plug-in users who might not be allowed to write
> to the system gimplibdir the following makes 
> more sense, and it works for me:
> bindir = $(prefix)/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins
> Can anyone let me know which of these is better
> and why?

The latter won't work if GIMP is not installed in the same prefix and
I don't understand your problem with the first approach. You cannot
simply install GIMP plug-ins somewhere, they need to go into the GIMP
plug-in dir which is determined from the gimp-2.0.pc file. What is
probably missing here is the addition of $(DESTDIR). I will consider
to add that.

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