On Thursday 03 November 2005 01:34, Carol Spears wrote:
> hello,
> there are a few new gimp.org web sites lately.  i have been playing with
> the software available from planet.org and the results have been almost
> instant.
> http://paths.gimp.org is a collection of news from the world of free art
> software.  i have subscribed to any news page i could find from the
> people who are going to be attending the convention next february
> (http://wiki.gimp.org/gimp/LibreGraphicsMeeting)
> http://layers.gimp.org is a collection of gimp developers with blogs.
> this was a difficult list to come up with, i am open to the idea that i
> might have made an inclusion or omission mistake there.

First of all, on Konqueror 3.4.x http://layers.gimp.org/ generates a huge and 
annoying horizontal scroll-bar. It seems to be fine on Moz FF 1.0.x and Opera 
9.0 Preview-1.

Secondly, you forgot my blog: 



        Shlomi Fish
> http://pixels.gimp.org is a collection of gimp users with blogs.  it
> would be nice to get more blogs there.  it would be even nicer if we
> could get more people blogging about gimp there.
> still in the planning stage is channels.gimp.org which should be a feed
> of gimp tutorials.  i am talking with the people at
> http://www.gimptalk.com about this.  as soon as we can settle on a
> good format for this, that will be online.
> my apologies to anyone i might have missed or included when i should not
> have.  that being said, if you have a blog and consider yourself
> suitable for any of the mentioned gimp sites and some sort of feed that
> the planet software can understand, feel free to contact me or Wilma.
> in fact, more than just feeling free to contact, please do make the
> contact!  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED]  also, try not to fill up
> wilmas mailbox with spam as happened to wilber ;)  and leave wilber
> alone, he is busy trying to manage spam.
> thanks,
> carol
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Shlomi Fish      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Homepage:        http://www.shlomifish.org/

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