As mentioned previously on this list, I would also like to develop a plug-in 
with similar pixel coordinate requirements.  For my purposes, using the 
color picker would be an extremely ugly and practically unusable hack.  I 
really need to get the coordinates directly and on the fly from the plug-in, 
as in click on button on plug-in's user interface to initiate pixel 
selection, then click in image (or preview?) to return coordinates to 

Kevin M.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "William Skaggs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "gimp-developer" <gimp-developer@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU>
Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2007 11:52
Subject: Re: [Gimp-developer] Pixel coordinates input type for script-fu?

> From: Mark Lowry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>I'm working on a script in which it would be
>>advantageous to use the mouse to click on an image and
>>have the pixel coordinates captured as an input.
>>Right now I have to manually enter the coordinates for
>>four points, which is a tedious process.
>>Is there a way to capture these coordinates as inputs
>>to a script?  If not, where is the appropriate place
>>to suggest a feature request for this?
> GIMP Bugzilla is the place to request features, but it is
> often helpful to discuss them on this list first, as you
> are doing.
> As Joao said, the functionality doesn't exist right now.  I
> wonder if the best way to get it would be to use sample points,
> which you can create by Ctrl-clicking on a ruler and dragging
> into the image, and can even move around after they have been
> created, by activating the Color Picker tool and click-dragging
> a sample point.  Sample points are a new feature, and code hasn't
> yet been written to allow a plug-in to request the list of sample
> points belonging to an image, but it would be pretty straightforward
> to do so.
>  -- Bill
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