p.s.: I'm also interested in one of the last year's project, the one called
"Unpaper". Has it became obsolete?


On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 10:27 PM, Rafael Henrique Castanheira de Souza <
rafaelh.so...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello.
> My name is Rafael. I would like to take part this Google Summer of Code,
> and I got really interested in some Gimp project ideas related to my area of
> research. Here I send the application I am planning to submit. If it is
> possible, I wold be very glad if someone could tell me what he/she thinks
> about this document.
> I give more details in the proposal.
> Thank you very much
> Rafael
> Rafael Henrique Castanheira de SouzaProject: "Highlights/Shadow
> compression"Me
> My name is Rafael. I am a Brazilian, currently a PhD student at Tokyo
> Institute of Technology. I took my undergraduate and master course at State
> University of Campinas (Unicamp), both in computer science. Besides, my
> master course was focused on computer vision and image processing. During
> the last year I have being studying in Tokyo Tech as a research student,
> working with computer vision and image processing.
> So, my major is computer science with emphasis on image processing and
> computer vision. However, I also have great interest in artificial
> intelligence and graph theory.
> Finally, my irc nick is rafaelh and my native language are Portuguese and
> Spanish.
> Software Development Skills
> During my undergraduate course I developed many small software related to
> my area of research. As my undergraduate research, I developed a tracking
> system for the Morris water maze. It was a system designed to deal of
> tracking in videos digitalized from VHS tapes, with low quality and heavy
> noise. To deal with this, the system used mathematical morphology
> algorithms. During my master course, I developed an extension of this
> system, with several new features. The most important one was the ability of
> tracking multiple targets, since occlusion is an important issue in this
> situation. To deal with it I created a graph representation of the
> occlusions during the tracking process and used an ant colony heuristic to
> find the occlusion solution.
> I developed this programs in both Linux and Windows, keeping the code
> compatible with both platforms. I developed both programs using C++ under
> E-macs (for Linux) and DevCpp (Windows). I used the LTI library for the
> basic image processing operations. During my research student period, I
> implemented in Matlab a prototype for a system for image alignment using
> local deformation. This system is meant to be applied in the removal of
> color artifacts in endoscopic images through non-rigid registration of color
> channels.
> I have a basic knowledge of GTK+, enough for the project I intend to apply.
> I have never been involved in other Free Software projects before.
> Image Manipulation Skills
> I only use image manipulation software for basic tasks, without artistic
> purposes. However, I have a wide knowledge of image processing problems and
> algorithms to solve them, since this is my area of research.
> GIMP and GEGL Skills
> I used GIMP in a user level. I have heard about GEGL, but I have never used
> it yet. I have not contributed to GIMP or GEGL either. I use the GIMP
> version in my distro's packages.
> SoC Project
> I have never participated in Summer of Code. I have got very interested in
> the project "Highlights/Shadow compression". Its content is related to my
> area of research, is a very useful operator and it would be very nice to see
> it added to the GEGL library and used in GIMP.
> So, my goal is to implement a fast and robust version of this operator. Now
> I am a graduate student and I do not work, since I receive a scholarship. I
> would have no problem to dedicate 5 hours/day (or more, during summer
> vacations) in this project. Since I am a PhD student, I do not have to take
> any class, so it would not interfere with the project.
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