Thales img wrote:

> > We make a 100 x 100px rectangle selection on a 2000 x 2000px, and we
> > want to create a new layer to paint the rectangle, so when we  ask  
> a for
> > a new layer a popup is opened asking Name, Width, Height, etc, for  
> the
> > new layer, for default the Width and Height values are 2000px² (our
> > document's size), we click "Ok" and we have a new layer.
> >
> > My point here it is that we have a 2000px² layer for a 100px²  
> object,
> > and as I can see - as a user - a 2000px² consumes more performance(I
> > don't know if it's Memory or CPU) than a 100px².
> >
> > So my idea is to have a option when creating a new layer; maybe a
> > checkbox with something like:
> >
> > [__] Follow Selection's Size

this whole thing is way too much incidental to include in the dialog.

users might even conclude that it is the preferred way to do it
like that. since as noted we are going to solve the problem from
the other end, I think all the copy selection + paste as new layer
variants we have are enough to tie us over.

> That is a step in the wrong direction, the right thing to do is to  
> make
> layer boundaries automatically managed so a user won't be bothered  
> with
> the New Layer dialog at all.

> It seams to be much more difficult, don't you think?

not for users.


         founder + principal interaction architect
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