Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2010 17:20:58 +0200
From: Martin Nordholts [<>]
Subject: Re: [Gimp-developer] Zooming in Single Window Mode
To: []

On 08/18/2010 08:33 AM, Mathias Lindner wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I run the current development version of GIMP (2.7.2).
>> In single window mode I experience a very annoying issue. One example to 
>> reproduce this: choose the brush tool, create a new layer and change it's 
>> opacity with the slider. And now it comes: I want to zoom into the image 
>> with the + and - keys on my keyboard. Or I want to move the displayed detail 
>> using the space bar - before I start painting...
>> In multi window mode one just had to focus the image window again (hit the 
>> window's title bar) to get those keys working. In single window mode, since 
>> all toolboxes belong to this one window, clicking the title bar doesn't 
>> change anything. Hitting + and - just changes the opacity of the layer, the 
>> space bar expands the selection box for layer modes or alters the layer's 
>> visibility. One actually has to paint onto the image to get it activated and 
>> get those keys working again. But when I want to paint, I need more details 
>> - a vicious circle...
>> Just now I help myself painting somewhere, hitting Ctrl-Z and finally being 
>> able to zoom in. But this is irritating. Maybe GIMP should check where the 
>> mouse pointer is and interpret the keystrokes based on this. Is the pointer 
>> on the image the user prob. wants to zoom, move etc. Is the pointer on the 
>> layer dialogue the user wants to change settings etc.
>> Actually, this is not an issue of the window modes. The same behaviour 
>> occurs in multi window mode. But, as described above, it's easier to 
>> re-focus the image window over there. Thus, this issue wasn't as annoying as 
>> it is now...
>> So, is this worth a bug report? Or is this a feature request? Or none of all 
>> because I am too stupid to use GIMP correctly?
>It doesn't hurt to create a bug report for it

>I think the best solution would be simply make sure the + key press is 
>propagated all the way down to the image window and handled there, since 
>there is no widget before that that can do anything sensible

>/ Martin
Bug report is filed here:

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