Miroslav Šulc (Wednesday, 15. December 2010)
> i have 10 patches in my local git repo now fixing various problems,
> and now even in the proper format. i just did not want to spam
> bugzilla more.

Bugreports and bugfixes are obviously not spam. If you report bugs via 
bugzilla you make sure that we don't forget them. :-)

> >> 3) there are some inconsistencies in capitalization of chapter
> >> titles.
> > I'm not sure, too. It seems that most documentors prefer
> > capitalization...
> > 
> > BTW: What do the official rules say?
> nothing as far as i can remember. but generally, chapter topic in
> english should use capitalization except words like "the", "of"
> etc. at least that is what i was taught at school long time ago.
> about image titles, i am not sure whether they should be
> considered as titles (so capitalized) or just as labels without
> capitalization.

If I remember correctly I had learned the same rule at school (also 
long time ago), but meanwhile I think it depends on the weather, on 
the day of the week, or on some random number...

> well, i do not have account on git.gnome.org yet. and they say i
> should create one only if somebody tells me it's a good idea to do
> so :-)
> also, i spent some time today on reading how git works exactly so
> as i wrote above, i have the patches in the format-patch format
> now too. i just don't know what to do with them, did not want to
> create extra spam on bugzilla.

Using bugzilla and creating patches with "git format-patch" is a good 
way to start.

> >> i was not able to make sample points
> > It works: Ctrl-click on a ruler, hold the mouse button pressed,
> > and move the pointer to the image.
> well, just tried with latest 2.7 and does not work, neither with
> mouse (that even does not catch click, weird) nor with stylus. in
> fact i am not even able to put guide on ruler that way. i must
> have something wrong in setup then.

But your mouse works, so that you can, for example, create selections 
using the mouse?


Sie vernichten Getreide - und sammeln Brot für die Welt.
                -- Karlheinz Deschner

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