All the arguments about encouraging/forcing users to non destructive
workflow are reasonable, but there is one tiny problem. I've
encountered it while cooperating with "professional users" of
CorelDraw (design studios, marketing companies etc.)

Corel can understand bunch of vector-based fileformats. It can import
them, it can write into them. So in theory i could prepare image in
*.eps or *.svg and it can be later processed in Corel.
In fact any images that was not in native CorelDraw fileformat was
rejected. (Even images from Adobe Illustrator !)

Reason was simple: Corel open only it's native files (*.cdr). You can
launch Corel and later import *.ai, *.svg, *.ps but You can not just
navigate to such file and double click it to edit. You can't open them
from command line too.
This mean that "professional corel users" were forced to THINK ...
they just choose to reject Your graphics.

We can improve programs, we can create better images but we're unable
to change peoples (un)thinking habbits. Please imagine what harm to
trade and workflow can arise from proposed improvement of open/import

If You really believe that this change is necessary, there should be
way of avoiding disaster that happened to "Proffesional Corel Users".

Let me give some proposition:
1)Gimp always open/import any type of file, it can understand. No
matter if we ask program to do so from it's menu, command line or just
click file in file commander.
2) After Gomp start and examine the file there are two possibilities:
a) file is an *.xcf so Gimp just open it.
b) file is not *.xcf -> Gimp show the message and ask for permission
to import it.

If proposed change don't stop launching Gimp and opening/importing any
file just by selecting it in a file commander, than You can hope it
won't do so much harm to the bussines as Corel behaviour did.
All differences would be one click more and Gimp remain universal image editor.

I hope that we're not going to redefine meaning of word
"professional". Corel disaster shows that new meaning of this word is:
someone who have ability to reject Your work. Don't let such
redefinition happen in Free Software ecosystem.

2013/2/20, s.kortenweg <>:
> On 20-02-13 12:55, Kevin Brubeck Unhammer wrote:
>> "s.kortenweg" <> writes:
>>>  From the start of GIMP 2.8 there are rumors about Save vs. Export.
>>> It is a change with the past, but that has happened more times by
>>> changing versions.
>>> The first version of the GIMP that i started (i believe 1.2) came up
>>> with a single toolbox and nothing more.
>>>   And i survived all the changes that came after that.
>>> To make the changes more visible for the users is it possible to add
>>> to the various Save options
>>> in the File Menu that this will happen in XCF format?
>> As in:
>> ----------------------
>> | File               |
>> |--------------------|
>> | New image          |
>> | ...                |
>> |--------------------|
>> | Save to XCF        |
>> | Save to XCF as ... |
>> | ...                |
>> ?
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> Indeed.
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