> Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2013 19:50:23 -0500
> From: ad...@pilobilus.net
> To: gimp-user-list@gnome.org
> Subject: Re: [Gimp-user] Gimp interface sucks
> >> Now for the feature in question... Krita has a simple on-canvas
> >> way to
> >> edit brush size. AFAIK, it's Ctrl+LMB+drag. It's a fairly reasonable
> >> solution, and I for one would welcome it.
> When a mouse is in use, changing brush sizes without leaving the
> canvas is a snap - IF you set it up.  The menu item for this is at
> Edit > Preferences > Input Controllers.  Picture worth thousand
> words: http://pilobilus.net/img/mouse-scale-brush.jpg
> :o)
> Steve

That's indeed awesome, however, various OS's (like Windows) trap the Alt key 
for menubar activation so GIMP (GTK?) needs to distinguish that Alt+(something) 
= shortcut key and Alt (by itself) = activate the menubar.  On which note, I am 
occasionally frustrated that pressing the ALT key in a GTK2+ app does not 
activate the menubar like every Windows user expects it to.  (This applies to 
GIMP and Inkscape both.)  This is a major suckage on the UI too (esp. if it's 
not reconfigurable), because alt key sequences are just as strong a habit as 
Ctrl+shortcut keys are.

-- Stratadrake
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