On 04/13/2015 06:00 PM, MikeH wrote:
>> Sounds to me like you want Layer Masks?  Take a look at this tutorial
>> on
>> the website and see if it offers what you are looking for:
>> http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/Layer_Masks/
> Achieves the same thing I think. Different tools for the same result. I'm
> getting to like Gimp!

There's a lot to like.  If you do a lot of "painting" of various
sorts, being able to change the size and hardness of your brush via
the mouse wheel might be one of them.  This is not configured by
default, but the menu where this can be set up is shown here:


I find alt plus mouse wheel up or down to increase or decrease brush
radius, and ctrl-alt plus mouse wheel to increase or decrease
hardness convenient.  Your mileage may vary.  Whatever keys you use,
it sure beats constantly switching brushes on detail work...

My own admittedly quirky way of setting up the Gimp is shown here:


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