The pdf can be exported at any resolution you ask. It's the reason you can
specify which density you want on import. (Imagemagick has a couple of
options for handling this:

What happens when you set the import density higher in GIMP? Desired
On Tue, Jul 7, 2015 at 2:00 AM Joel Rees <> wrote:

> I have a pdf of scanned images, theoretically jpeg images, and the gimp
> will offer me a selection dialog, from which it will import them
> individually as 1304x932 at 100 px/in. (This is odd, because I selected
> 300dpi at scan time, so the images should be 3 times that pixel density.
> But, then, 22Mb for 36 images is not 13" x 9" at 300 dpi, unless heavily
> compressed.)
> ImageMagick's identify -verbose tells me the same are 1032x728 at 72 dpi.
> If I use ImageMagick's convert to extract them, that's how they end up.
> Anyone have an idea what's happening?
> Joel Rees
> Computer memory is just fancy paper,
> CPUs just fancy pens.
> All is a stream of text
> flowing from the past into the future.
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