I have been searching for how best to close a path where an end node is on top 
of a start node. 

One work-around is to not place the end node on the start node, so that the 
path can be closed in the usual way, and then move what had been intended to be 
the end node on top of the start node. This hack will create a path segment 
between the start end and nodes with the expected zero values, but it will be a 
closed path. 

Not closing path nodes may not always create an issue when using paths to 
generate bitmapped images, but it may  when e.g. stroking paths, and the 
otherwise unnecessary data can be a tad messy when exporting paths.

Another workaround (good for OCD types) is perhaps to place the end node on the 
start node, export and edit the path data adding a close-path flag, and then 
import it back into Gimp.

 Perhaps there is a better way?

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