On 11/14/2016 08:21 PM, rich2005 wrote:

>> I've got some 300 fonts, 200 of which are from Windows/Office (I
>> guess) and some 100 from another software package I use. Is that a
>> lot?
>> Do you mean waiting before booting gimp at all, or giving gimp more
>> time to complete the startup? The latter doesn't work, as it just
>> crashes out of the boot sequence.
> The customary advice when running Gimp for the first time is
> Do not touch the mouse or keyboard, go have a cup of coffee or go for a walk
> until Gimp loads.

I'd like to point out that

[Bug 449848] Startup: initialize fontconfig in the background to avoid
long pause on start

and its corresponding "not responding" behavior is fixed in 2.8.18.

GPG: 96A8 B38A 728A 577D 724D 60E5 F855 53EC B36D 4CDD

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