>1) You don't don't believe adding an option for a larger font size to the base
>product as part of the default install, is a high enough priority relative to
>the backlog to merit near term consideration?   Anecdotally there seem to be a
>lot of requests for it.  Please consider this is not a convenience, or a time
>saving feature.  A significant amount of users are simply not functional with 
>8pt font.

With my larger themes for 2.8 I was asked to NOT set the font by some users 
because the operating system/window manager is setting the font independently 
of GIMP. I believe the same is true of the 2.9 themes, where the font-size 
setting is present but commented out of the gtkrc files.

So the way forward is a small piece of documentation to explain how to edit the 
theme gtkrc file for those users who need to change it.

>3)  The thread I refer to is the current one for this message.  In case you are
>following from a mailing list the URL is

 Ah - you have that backwards. The web-site you refer to (gimpusers.com) has 
parasitically attached itself to the gimp-user mailing list and is not the 
source of the messages.


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