>I am attempting to update the Saul Goode version of the Create
>Luminosity Masks Script-Fu script, sg-luminosity-masks. It works fine
>in GIMP 2.8, but I have just updated to GIMP 2.9.8 to take advantage
>of the automatic link to darktable for importing RAW images.
>When I first ran the script it ended with an error based on the use of
>deprecated functions in the script. I replaced the function names with
>the newer versions and the script starts to work but I eventually get
>the following error message:


You do not say which operating system, I am assuming not Windows.

The original file raises deprecated procedure warnings but they are just

Start Gimp up with the switch --pdb-compat-mode=on   and the warnings are
hidden. The script works as usual

screenshot example: Kubuntu 16.04 Gimp 2.9.9 original luminosity script Image
imported using nufraw 16 bit

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/874/original/luminosity.jpg

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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