
using the 2.10 RC2 on my Asus ROG 750 T4024JH on Win7, I have noticed Gimp is completely frozen for a few seconds when using selection related tools.

Example: select an area, use bucket tool with "fill whole selection" mode, Gimp will not responds for seconds before actually filling the selected area.
With a quite fair sized canvas, like 2048x2048 or even less.

+ (too) many other issues I never seen before with any release.

Le 11/05/2018 à 22:02, labaxp a écrit :
I just installed on my netbook with Ubuntu 18.04 and it runs smooth,
so the slow performance seems to machine related.

Propably its windows related, i tried Gimp on 5 different machines and each one
of them is slow.
Also i have noticed in many users who use Gimp 2.10 on youtube (they post
tutorials), theirs are also slow.

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