
Well, fist of all, you are encouraged to upgrade to GIMP 2.0 
first of all, because gimp 1.2 has no support to text layers at all.

Even on Gimp 2.0 you won't  be able to edit text from a photoshop layer on the 
GIMP but you may create your own text layers an dtaht is as easy as using the 
text tool.

As for the "export" to jpeg and other formats, it is done automatically when 
you hit the "export" button on the alert dialog. That information pops up 
just to let you know that layer information won't be preserved on the desired
format at all.


On Monday 26 April 2004 05:34, Benjamin Sher wrote:
> Dear friends:
> I am relatively new to the Gimp, though I do have some experience with
> Photoshop. I know how to do basic image editing and manipulation in
> Photoshop, and I am trying to learn how to do this in the Gimp (1.2 or 2 --
> I have them both installed on my Xandros Linux system). The first thing I
> need to know right now is how to create or edit a type layer. I've looked
> in vain in Grokking-the-Gimp as well as in the Help files for Gimp for
> simple, step-by-step instructions on how to do this in the Gimp. I have
> also tried by trial and error but have failed. I'm including three
> screenshots to illustrate what I have tried to do.
> http://www.websher.net/temp/gimp-text1.jpg
> http://www.websher.net/temp/gimp-text2.jpg
> http://www.websher.net/temp/gimp-text3.jpg
> By the way, when I tried to save my jpg image, I was told that I should
> export it. But where is the "export" option located. I have been unable to
> find it.
> Thank you so much.
> Benjamin

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