
On Monday 25 June 2007, ying lcs wrote:
> Thanks. Can you please tell me how can I reduce the color depth of my png
> image?
> It currently has 24 color depth. I would like to reduce it to 8. how
> can I do that in gimp?


Image -> Mode -> Indexed.


        Shlomi Fish

> Thank you.
> On 6/25/07, vt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 2007 m. birželis 25 d., pirmadienis 09:44, ying lcs rašė:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > How can I reduce the size of a png using gimp without losing much
> > > quality? Two ideas I have are:
> > > 1. reduce the color depth of the image
> > > 2. increase the compression level of in the png
> > >
> > > Any more ideas? And can you please tell me how can I do #1, #2 in gimp?
> > >
> > > Thank you.
> >
> > And you can reduce size by
> > 3. adjusting levels
> > and/or by
> > 4. reduceing number of colours used.
> >
> > By the way none of these ways is lossless. And you could use say jpg for
> > smaller size. Or gif.
> >
> > 1. picture>mode>indexed
> > 2. file>save as...><choose where to save to>>Compresion level 1...9
> > 9th level has best compression. You can choose some other options there
> > too. 3.Layer>colors>levels
> > 4. Layer>colors>color decrease (or something like that cause i use Gimp
> > in my native language)
> >
> >
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Shlomi Fish      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Homepage:        http://www.shlomifish.org/

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