On Sun, Aug 3, 2008 at 7:48 AM, Milan Knížek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all!
> I have been struggling to correct skin tones in GIMP without affecting other
> colours of the image. The problem is that whatever method I use (channel
> mixer, colour mapping, hue/saturation on particular colour channels), some
> other hues are also affected (green, blue).
> I tried also Select by colour and modify just the selection, however, I have
> not succeeded to correctly select just the skin tones.
> Pictures are better then words, so here is an example (screenshot of Picture
> Window Pro's Colour Correction). Image on the right is being corrected to
> get closer to the image on the left, preview of the change is on the top.
> Note that other hues (tree branches, clothes) on the preview are the same as
> on the source image.
> http://www.milan-knizek.net/files/tmp/Colour_Correction.jpg
> Is there a way how to do this in GIMP?

I would try complex selection -- for example, you can select the skin
pretty well using FG-extract selection tool, then deselect green thing
and dress using Magic Wand.
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