Sven Neumann wrote:
> Hi,
> On Fri, 2008-10-17 at 21:26 -0500, Eric P wrote:
>> Check out this png.  I'm not sure if it is editable in the GIMP.
>> First of all it's an indexed image.  You'll see two white arrows on the 
>> right hand side.  Switch the mode to RGB and
>> you'll see two new alpha transparent arrows appear on the left hand side (!?)
>> Checking the header of the image I see Adobe Fireworks in there.  Any ideas 
>> what this anomaly of a png is?
> rtzshs.png...
>   Image Width: 20 Image Length: 110
>   Bitdepth (Bits/Sample): 2
>   Channels (Samples/Pixel): 1
>   Pixel depth (Pixel Depth): 2
>   Colour Type (Photometric Interpretation):
>     PALETTED COLOUR with alpha (3 colours, 3 transparent) 
>   Image filter: Single row per byte filter 
>   Interlacing: No interlacing 
>   Compression Scheme: Deflate method 8, 32k window
>   Resolution: 2834, 2834 (pixels per meter)
>   FillOrder: msb-to-lsb
>   Byte Order: Network (Big Endian)
>   Number of text strings: 1 of 9
>     Software (xTXt deflate compressed): Adobe Fireworks CS3
>   Offsets: 0, 0
> This image uses an indexed palette with transparency information. This
> is not fully supported in GIMP. The PNG loader seems to handle it
> nicely, but the GIMP image display has some special code that thresholds
> the alpha channel for images in indexed mode. This is because the code
> was written for GIF images. The projection in indexed mode simulates the
> alpha capabilities of the GIF format, where a pixel is either fully
> transparent or opaque.
> Sven
Thanks for the reply.

Eric P.
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